Blanket Forts

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You studied his face for a reaction but found none.

"I was just thinking my place has all these blankets and you have all this space... And it's a lot harder to be sad in a proper blanket fort."

If Akito had been training to be the head of the family since he was 4, he never really had a childhood. He deserved some of the silly pleasures he'd missed out on.

"I... No I've never built a blanket fort." He spoke up, and you smiled and gasped.
"Would you like to help me with mine?" He turned his head to look at you finally and his expression held doubt.

"It wouldn't be for you, cause you're so mature and all, but if you helped it would make me so happy!" You rested your hand next to his, ever conscious not to touch him, until he surprised you. He laid his fingers atop yours and looked you up and down once.

"Would you help me up?"

A request. Not a demand, not an order. He asked you so delicately you would have sworn it didn't come from him if you hadn't seen the words leave his mouth. You took him gently by his hands.
You began by flipping his table on its side, and you rushed around the house to find lamps and chairs.  Akito stood against the wall, watching you, and he would smile curiously each time you set something up. You were having so much fun, you didn't even think when you took him by the hand.  "So now we have to go to my place for the blankets and--" He pulled his hand back out of instinct and stood his ground.
"What are you doing?"

"I was hoping you'd go with me.."

There was a long pause. You didn't want to push him too far, but you wanted the boundaries he'd set up to expand today. You walked over to the window where you'd first seen him and pointed to your house.

"It's just over there. Maybe 50 steps.." You shrugged. "Come on, without the blankets this place will look ridiculous." You joked looking around the room.
You saw a small smirk pull at the corner of his lips.

"The blankets will help it look less ridiculous?"
You nodded, barely biting back your own smirk.

"They must be some very special blankets."

He chuckled and held his stomach and you couldn't believe he'd made a joke. He simply began walking out after that and you slowly walked behind him, like a puppy following their master. He walked proudly until he came to the paper door. You saw the hesitance, the fear. At last you stepped around him and opened the door.

"It's not a big deal, this is your village after all. Don't you think being locked inside is limiting for a leader?" You stepped out into the sunset. Still, he hesitated and said with a voice like a child. "It's cold.."
You knew of course that it was a big deal to him. When was the last time he left the house for anything other than intimidation?
Still, you spread your arms out around you, basking in the orange sunlight.

"Right now it's perfect but if you wait much longer it will be."

He slipped on a pair of sandals and looked around at the houses. You approached him again and extended your hand. He looked from your hand to you and kept his hands at his sides as he made confident strides towards your house.

What a proud little shit, you smiled.
Both you and Akito pretended not to notice the few faces in the windows of homes around you. When you finally reached your door you could hear his ragged breathing and he turned away from you.

"Okay here we are. It's not perfect yet, but--" and to your surprise he rushed inside before you could finish your sentence. His breathing slowed and he scanned the room quietly. You were suddenly very self conscious of the way you lived. It was still too crowded and had no discernable style. You wondered how it reflected on you in Akito's mind. He spoke without looking at you.

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