Hide and Seek

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Momiji stopped by later that day after he'd finished school, and eagerly suggested you visit Shigure's house with him. Reflecting on the silly dog and argumentative boys, you couldn't deny the desire to be entertained. Akito was stressing you out. Not by any fault of his own, however, you were more-so frustrated with your confusing feelings for the boy. He was beautiful, you'd known that much from the start. He was a living memory, broken in your mind and outside of it. But he was healing. Yes, he was getting better. On the walk to Shigure's home, you wondered if your poor excuse for therapy was really the  cause of it, or if a thought like that was too foolish even for you.

"So you really like seeing Akito, huh?" Momiji broke the silence, and when you looked down at him you mirrored his playful smile.

"Yeah. I don't have a clue why, but he just kind of... Feels like family to me."

"(Y/n) that's incest."

You gasped and shoved the giggling teen. "Boy, I will transform you, don't test me."

The house came into view as Momiji shoved you back.
"Whoever said I had romantic feelings for him anyway?"

Momiji shrugged. "Maybe you just did.." you paused to look at him, admiring his perception. "I understand it though. Akito's a complicated person, and it only makes sense that the feelings you have would match that."

".. Has anyone ever told you you're wise beyond your years?"

"Has anyone ever told you--" he cut himself off by jumping into your arms, successfully transforming himself for the second time with you. You laughed and held the bunny close as you neared the house. He looked up at you with the small glossy eyes that made you want to squish him, and said, "Well I'm gonna hug Tohru anyways, and Kyo won't hit me if I'm a  cute little bunny!"

You saw Shigure looking extra dashing in the robe you saw him in last time, laid out on the front porch reading a book. Momiji leapt out of your hands, resulting in a squeak of surprise from you, and began singing "Akito and (Y/n) sitting in a tree~! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!~!" as he hopped along to the house.

You held your face in your hands as Shigure sat up and chucked at you.

"C'mon, (Y/n)!" Momiji called from the doorstep.

You stepped onto the porch but Shigure surprised you both by saying, "Hold on a minute, Momiji. I think (Y/n) had better stay out here for a bit."

The yellow rabbit looked between the two of you and asked a simple, "Why?"

Tohru opened the door and scooped Momiji up, squeaking about how nice it was of him to visit.

"Now now, go inside and keep Tohru company until those boys get back. (Y/n) and I will be in in a minute." Shigure brushed the pair away with his hands.

They both looked suspicious for only a moment before smiling in that sweet way the two of them shared and retreating inside, closing the door. You couldn't help but feel anxious now, left alone with Shigure, not allowed in his home. Had you done something to offend him? You stood on the porch in front of him and slowly leaned against a post.

"Is everything alright?"

Shigure smiled so big his eyes closed as he said, "Of course it is. The quickest way to get rid of those two is to act suspicious, though. They'll be pondering it for hours. I just wanted to see you because we hardly got any time together on your last visit!" He made puppy dog eyes at the end, a skill you'd guessed he was born with.

You smiled at his explanation and pointed a finger at his open book. "Whatcha reading?"

"A Studious Affair!" He cheered, showing you the cover which had a school-girl pinned against a blackboard.

You held back laugh and deadpanned, "Yeah, I'm going inside." You walked past him toward the door and he grabbed your hand gently, giggling himself.

"Oh, come on, humor an old man. Sit with me for a while."

You sighed, smiling, and turned on your heel to sit next to him. "You? An old man? More like handsome, maturing fox!" You winked and he bat his eyelashes at your praise.

"You really think so?"

"Of course, Shigure! But you-- Oh, oh my God! Is that a gray hair already?" You searched his perfect black hair until he laughed and pushed your hand away.

He held onto it and played with your fingers as he asked, "So, Love, how have you been adjusting?"

You nodded, gathering your thoughts. "Well enough. I don't know how much Hatori's told you about what I'm doing, but I'm spending most of my days with Akito.. so," you sighed, "It's draining, but worth it." Shigure nodded slowly, examining your profile for faults. "In fact I was just telling Momiji that... Somehow, the Sohma village feels like home."

Shigure stopped nodding and sighed himself. "That doesn't surprise me.. You actually lived in the Sohma estate for years as a child."

Your head whipped towards him, intent on listening to whatever he had to say. "How do you know?"

"I was there too, of course. A child just a bit older than you. I thought Hari had at least told you that much. The (L/n)'s have always lived on the Sohma property." He shrugged before looking into your eyes and seeing that you really didn't remember.

"Shigure, why did my family leave the Sohmas?"

Shigure began to slip his hand out of yours but you held on tightly, not wanting his knowledge to leave you too. Shigure hesitated, warm eyes scanning your face and then your hand. "Do you... What do you remember?"

You closed your eyes and tried to collect all the pieces that had come back to you in recent times. "A festival... Sometimes I'll get fragments." You shook your head a little in frustration. "Running. Hiding from something, but I don't feel scared. I remember Hatori as a child.. But nothing adds up to anything whole and I don't know why."

Shigure moved your locked hands to your lap now and gave you two comforting pats on the thigh.

"Sounds like hide and seek to me." His tone betrayed the truth that he knew more of what he was telling you.
"You used to play with us. Hari, Ayame and I. You were one of the only little kids we'd let play because you were so mature for your age." He smiled at the clouds drifting along the sky. "That much has stayed true, I see... But if Hari's not telling you something, I can bet it's because he has your best interest at heart."

You studied the handsome man, and the smut book he had left open to the side, and felt familiar comfort.

"Shigure?" You asked, and shifted so that you were laying down in his lap, looking up at him. "Why cant I remember you? You don't seem like someone I'd forget."

The man smiled down at you in understanding before picking up his book. "Not your fault... Now for context, in chapters 1 through 3, we've established that Anica is INDEED a very naughty girl, but she's trying to mend her ways. That is until, dun dun dun, a sexy dominant professor walks into her life--" He began rambling about his story and you laughed.

Shigure read 2 entire chapters to you, the pair of you giggling and squirming through the dirty parts, until Kyo and Yuki returned with groceries. You entered their home, and that's when the rain began. Rain so heavy, you knew it would keep everyone inside the whole night.

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