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Harry took his hand quickly, not intertwining their fingers as he had done before, just holding it limply, as if he didn't want to touch him.

They apparated outside Grimmauld Place and before Draco could say a word he was in the door and taking his shopping upstairs swiftly, swaying slightly and avoiding his questioning gaze.

He closed the door behind them, wondering what he did wrong as it was Harry who had kissed him, all he had done is kissed back. Because he wanted to, he so desperately wanted to. And now it had happened, and Harry seemed to be regretting every second of it.

All his dreams had come alive only moments ago and now he had run away from it. It was not how he'd imagined their first kiss to go, and he'd imagined quite a few different scenarios over time, but none of those involved Harry leaving him alone. Some involved things he couldn't speak about in polite society however.

Draco went to his room and placed down his shopping, then laid himself on the bed. His mind wandered to Harry's lips once more, and his chest fluttered at the thought. So he made the decision, he would confront Harry in the morning.

Perhaps Harry was shocked at his own feelings and needed time alone. Maybe he didn't know he was gay and needed to sort things out in his mind. Draco told himself it was going to be okay, just so he could calm his mind down. He climbed under the covers and let the warmth of sleep take him.


When he woke, the sun was beating down on him, and it took him a minute to open his eyes, dazed from the bright light. He'd forgotten to shut his curtains.

Glancing at the clock, be realised it was a normal time to wake up. Not early as he usually did, or late as Harry had found yesterday.

He stretched and swung he feet over the edge of the bed, got up, opened the door and peered out.

The house was quiet, Harry clearly wasn't up yet.

Draco was torn whether he should enter Harry's room to speak to him or just go downstairs and get some breakfast, hoping he would wake and come and join him.

Not wanting to invade Harry's privacy, he stepped down and made his way to the kitchen, where he called Kreacher to make them both breakfast and tea.

When it was ready, Harry still hadn't appeared at the kitchen door as he had expected, so Draco had no choice but to actually eat his food in waiting, opening one of his new books as he did so.

The whole house was silent apart from the occasional clatter he made in the kitchen. To be honest, Draco wondered if Harry hadn't already left the house, it was unlike him to sleep for a long time, especially with his frequent nightmares.

Enough was enough, it was nearing noon. That was definitely late for Harry. Draco used a quick spell to warm his now cold tea and toast, and took it upstairs.

Reaching the landing, he stopped, hesitating outside Harry's door, listening for any signs of movement. He felt inclined to knock, just in case he was dressing or something, although he could not hear even the creak of a floorboard to tell him so.

Sighing deeply, he raised a fist and knocked twice. It was silent. He twisted the door knob open and stepped inside. The room was completely dark, which took his eyes some adjusting to. And when he looked around he noticed pictures lining the walls and a few posters. It looked like a teenagers bedroom, which he realised it was when looking at the images containing Harry's father, Sirius, Lupin and Pettigrew. It was Sirius's old room.

Harry was in a bundle of blankets on the bed, his hair a complete mess, more so than it was when he had brushed it, if that was possible.

"Harry." Draco whispered, placing down he tray he held.

He stirred, blinking his pretty eyes at Draco before yawning and stretching, "What time is it? I've got a splitting headache." He rubbed his temples, closing his eyes again.

"Gone noon," Draco murmured, gazing fondly down at the boy.

Harry seemed not to remember that he had stormed off upstairs last night, or their encounter on the bridge. Maybe he had ingested more alcohol than Draco had previously thought which would explain his what happened on the bridge. The kiss was just a drunken action and meant nothing. This thought made his heart sink to the floor but he made effort to show no sign that anything was wrong.

"Do you remember anything?" He bit his lip.

Harry shook his head, "We went shopping right?"

"Then we went to the Leaky Cauldron and I think you had one two many Butterbeers." Draco tried to smile but the realisation that Harry didn't know about their kiss was eating away at his insides now.

"Ah." Harry sighed, "that would explain why I slept so late."

"I'll bring you some water." Draco made an excuse to leave the room, "Your breakfast is there."

"Thank you!" Harry shouted as he closed the door.

Draco tried to make it all the way downstairs without crying, but by the time he entered the kitchen, the tears streaming down his gaunt face.

He steadied himself on the kitchen counter, and let the tears out, his breath heavy and broken. The sobs racked his body, each breath was agonising. He hadn't cried like this in a long time, he was so used to keeping it inside now as to show weakness int he presence of the Dark Lord was probably not wise. But now it was all leaving his body at once, seeping out like the air in a balloon.

Harry had only kissed him because he was drunk. Harry had only kissed him because he was intoxicated. It wasn't real and it had no affection.

Draco was never one to cry, but all his dreams that floated through his brain last night about what him and Harry could be, were completely shattered.

The kiss meant nothing to Harry, he couldn't even remember it.

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