
254 4 0

Pairing: Fenix/FC


Word Count: 610

Warnings: language

 "Why is it so hard to believe I'm over you?"


Any time I was in a room with him, he seemed to draw my gaze. I couldn't help myself from stealing peeks whenever his attention was elsewhere. For three glorious weeks he had been mine, but then just like bird of his namesake he decided he couldn't be caged. It shouldn't have been unexpected. That was the way Fenix was. He flittered from relationship to relationship, growing restless quickly and moving on with alacrity. It didn't stop women from trying; it certainly hadn't been a deterrent for me. When he had started focusing on me, I had preened under his attention. I had fallen fast and hard only to be left behind when someone new had caught his attention.

It had been months since the breakup and though I insisted I was over him, deep in my heart I knew he would forever hold a piece of me. It was impossible not to fall in love with him. Fenix had a zest for life that was unmatched by anyone I had ever met. He was carefree and mirthful, always with a ready smile and a bounce in his step. His intensity both arousing and scintillating. His magnetism undeniable.

"Still pining over me?" Fenix's amused voice cut into my thoughts, startling me.

"I'm not pining over you." I told him frowning when he laughed.

"Then why you staring at me all the time?" He teased, his tongue flicking over his lips making my heart pound.

"I don't stare." I argued.

"Yes you do." Fenix laughed. "Every time I'm in the room your eyes are on me. Looking at me like you want to eat me alive."

"You're such an asshole." I snapped. "Why don't you go find someone else to bother?"

Instead of leaving he got comfortable, jumping up onto the shipping crate I was working beside.

"You don't want me to bother someone else. You want me to bother you." He said with his signature smirk, tapping my shoulder with his foot and making me glare up at him. Despite my irritation it wasn't hard for me to lose focus, noticing I was on my knees and all I had to do was get up off my heels and I would be level with his crotch. The thought had me biting my lip and quickly averting my gaze so he wouldn't see the lust flaring to life in my eyes.

"Why is it so hard to believe I'm over you?" I asked him flatly, proud that I was able to keep my voice from wavering. If I didn't know better I might believe I was over him.

"I can read you like a book carina." Fenix said the familiar endearment pulling my eyes back to his. "You still want me. You didn't get enough. All I have to do is say the word and you would do anything I asked."

The denials on my tongue were lost as I stared into his glimmering eyes, that boyish grin bringing back memories of him smiling above me as he fucked me through orgasm after orgasm. He was right and I hated him for it.

"Fenix!" The loud bellow from his brother Pentagon broke the spell and my cheeks flushed as I lowered my gaze to the floor. Never would I have thought to be happy to see Fenix's intimidating older brother, but in that second I was. "Let's go. It's match time."

"See you around carina." Fenix said with a wink, jumping down from the crate and hurrying in his brother's direction.  

Fenix One Shot CollectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora