
192 3 0

Pairing: Fenix/FC

Category: Angst

Word Count: 838

Warnings: Breakup

 "Don't look at me like that."


Hearing his voice coming down the hallway I ducked into an empty store room. Childish? Yes. I knew that. I had been avoiding the man for three days now. No small feat when said man was your boyfriend of over a year. A boyfriend you were on the road with and sharing a hotel room with. I feigned sleep every time he came back to the hotel room after a show. Kept it up until he left for the gym in the morning. Then I snuck out with a scribbled note, staying gone until Fenix was due at the evening's venue. I would show up just before he was due to go on and ride back to the hotel with him and his brother Pentagon.

I knew I was only putting off the inevitable, eventually I was going to have be alone with him and face the music. In the past month things had changed on Fenix's end. I could feel it. I knew him very well. I could see the sadness and pity reflecting in his warm brown eyes, see the dimness in his bright smile. The end was coming and I was just putting it off by playing these games. I couldn't force him to be with me. If his feelings had changed, then they had. There wasn't anything I could do. I knew that. I just wasn't ready to let him go.

Through a crack in the door I watched him walk past with his brother and a few other wrestlers only exiting when they turned the corner and I felt the coast was clear. With a heavy heart and feeling like a rock was lodged in my stomach I snuck out of the arena, hailing a cab to take me back to the hotel room. I would have a few hours before Fenix made his way back to the room. He would go out with the boys as usual for a few beers. Outings I used to be invited too.

Hopping in a shower blasting hot water I let the tears fall my forehead resting on the cool tile. This couldn't go on forever, but I couldn't bring myself to let him end it. Having this farce of a relationship was better than not having him at all. At least this way I could lay awake at night and stare at his peaceful face in slumber. I could plaster myself to his side and feel his heart beating. At night when he was sleeping I could still pretend he was mine.

Turning off the shower I reached for the towel on the rack, wiping my body with the coarse material and dressing in my nightgown. Maybe tonight I would actually sleep before he returned.

Instead of the empty room I was expecting I found Fenix sitting on the edge of the bed, his head lowered and hands clasped as his forearms rested on his knees. I made a noise of surprise, bringing his head up to stare at me. This was it. I could read it in his face.

"Don't look at me like that." I said shaking my head in denial. "Please don't do this Fenix." The tears were coming back. I had sworn to myself that when this happened I would be strong. I wouldn't cry and make him feel worse than I was sure he already did.

"I'm sorry." Fenix said, the pity I hated shining in his eyes. "I just... it's just this isn't working anymore. I don't have feelings for you anymore."

"What did I do?" I cried moving to sit next to him on the bed, my cheeks wet with tears as I stared at him.

"Nothing!" He was quick to reassure me. "You did nothing. This is all on me. You're everything someone would want."

"Everyone except you." I sniffed bitterly wiping angrily at the tears tracking down my face.

Fenix bowed his head with a sigh and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry." He said again. "I don't know when things changed but they did. You deserve to be with someone who is going to treat you like you deserve."

I slumped in defeat knowing this was the end. I had avoided it as long as possible. With a deep sigh I nodded reaching over to squeeze his knee.

"I'll always love you Fenix." I told him. "And I'm sorry things didn't work out. I want you to be happy and if that's not with me then I have to accept that."

Fenix rose leaning over to press a kiss to the top of my head and give my shoulders a comforting squeeze.

"I'll go bunk with Penta." He said softly. "Stay as long as you need to. I'll cover the room until you're ready to go home."

I watched him go through a sheen of tears, the door closing with finality a soft exclamation point on the end of our relationship. 

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