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Featuring: Fenix/FC and Rush/FC

Word Count: 603

Warnings: angst, implied/referenced cheating, break up

"I needed you" and  "You slept with him, didn't you?" and  "Why is she still here?"


Hanging onto his anger was the only thing keeping Fenix from falling apart. Pacing around the hotel room, he pulled on his mask in agitation, breathing heavily through his mouth as he glared at the floor, unable to stomach looking at her.

"You weren't there." Maria cried. "I needed you and you weren't there."

"Don't you dare try to turn this around on me!" Fenix spun around furiously, jabbing his finger into her chest. He couldn't believe her nerve, trying to blame him for what she had done. He hadn't wanted to believe it when Pentagon had told him that he saw Maria coming out of Rush's hotel room early this morning. He didn't want to believe it, but he did. Penta would never lie to him.

As soon as he had gotten free from his media obligations Fenix had hurried back to their shared hotel room and told Maria what Pentagon had seen, praying that she had some kind of reasonable explanation for not only being in another man's hotel room, but one of his enemies no less. He had yet to hear the denial he so desperately needed. Just excuses.

"You slept with him, didn't you?" Fenix asked quietly, his hand dropping as did his eyes, staring at the floor as he waited for confirmation of what he already knew.

"I didn't mean to." She responded just as softly. "I don't know what happened."

"Why did you even go to his room?" Fenix asked pulling away when she reached for his arm. He couldn't bare for her to touch him right now.

"I was lonely. You were gone last night and then this morning I woke up alone again." Maria said.

"I told you I had interviews this morning. You knew I was going to be gone early." Fenix snapped. "I told you I wasn't going to be around much this trip, you knew that. And you still insisted on coming along."

"So it's my fault for wanting to spend some time with you?" Maria yelled. "For wanting to see my boyfriend?"

"No, it's your fault for fucking someone else." Fenix spat his fingers curling into fists as he struggled to hang onto his anger, hurt wanting to take over and spill out of him.

He was saved from his impending breakdown by the door opening, Pentagon stepping into the hotel room. He took one look at his brother before focusing on the culprit of Fenix's misery.

"Why is she still here?" Pentagon growled piercing Maria with a malevolent glare.

"She was just leaving." Fenix said shortly, pointedly glaring at Maria who took the hint and started gathering up her belongings before rushing out of the hotel room, giving Penta a wide berth as she scurried out the door.

Not knowing where else to go, Maria took the elevator down to the first floor and headed for Rush's room.

"Fenix found out I was with you last night." She said quietly when he opened the door. "He broke up with me. I don't have anywhere else to go. Can I come in?"

Stepping back Rush gestured for her to enter, smirking as she walked past him and slowly closing the door. He wasn't overly interested in her, but he was sure having Fenix's ex-girlfriend hanging out could only benefit him. 

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