My Everything

217 2 0

Pairing: Fenix/FC

Category: Angst

Word Count: 1126

Warnings: Cheating. Language.

"Give me back my phone!" and 81. "I can explain."

"I miss you too," I murmured quietly into the phone, a smile playing on my lips as I spoke with my lover. "I'll be back in town soon, then we can spend all the time we want together." Hearing a familiar voice in the hallway I rushed to end my call. "I have to go. He's back. I'll call you soon."

I threw the phone across the bed just as the door pushed open.

"Hi baby!" I grinned rushing off the bed to throw my arms around my fiancé Fenix. He returned my effusive greeting, hugging me tightly and pressing kisses into the crook of my neck. The loud clearing of a throat pulled us apart and I found myself staring into the irritated face of Fenix's brother Pentagon.

I hastily broke apart and turned away from the judgment on his face. Pentagon made no secret that he disliked me. He only tolerated me for the sake of his brother a fact I was well aware of. I knew of how many arguments there had been between the brothers regarding me. I seemed to be the only source of strife between them and it weighed heavily on Fenix. Never before had he stayed with a woman his brother was so adamantly against, but Fenix was convinced Pentagon would come around when he saw how happy I made Fenix.

"You ready to go, mi amor?" Fenix asked and I nodded, grabbing my purse and checking the mirror one last time to make sure my makeup was still in place.

The three of us went out for dinner before making our way to a dance club. As always Fenix had excess energy to burn and he wanted to dance the night away with me in his arms. Procuring a table we ordered a few drinks before hitting the floor. Pentagon broke away from us to find his own entertainment leaving Fenix and I to writhe against each other's bodies.

We danced until we were exhausted, sweat clinging to our tired bodies, laughter loud and mixing with the music.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks." Fenix yelled loudly to be heard gesturing to the crowded bar. I nodded and headed back to our booth feeling heady. Things were going amazingly and I could only imagine the perfect evening was going to continue once we made it back to the hotel. Hopefully Fenix's asshole of a brother would find his own way back. The last thing I wanted was him hanging around bringing me off my high.

I frowned as I approached the table and saw him there, beer in hand with a frown on his face. It wasn't until I slid into the booth and saw what he was staring intently at that my heart stopped in my chest.

"Give me back my phone!" I snapped lunging around the table to grab it from his large hands, getting stopped by one of said hands wrapping painfully around my wrist and holding me off. I found myself staring into his cold dark eyes, lips curled in a terrifying sneer that had me shuddering. I looked at the phone in his hand and cringed as I saw the notifications on my lock screen. I swore at myself for being careless and leaving my phone lying around.

"I can explain." I told him, wincing as his grip tightened.

"Explain what? That you're a cheating whore?" Pentagon snarled. "You're fucking around behind my brother's back. How can you explain that?"

I stayed silent, knowing there was no explanation I could provide that would satisfy the seething man. I cried out as he twisted my wrist, grabbing my fingers and pointing at the antique ring adorning my ring finger.

"That ring was neustra madre's," He spat. "You don't deserve to wear it. Your filth is tainting it."

Fenix arrived, tossing the drinks on the table and ripping my hand free of Penta's group with fire flashing in his eyes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing hermano?" Fenix growled. "Get away from her."

I slid back around the booth, whimpering as I held my wrist. I was surely going to have bruises on it tomorrow, but it was the least of my worries as I knew it was only seconds before Fenix was going to get a harsh dose of reality. I already had my purse in hand ready to make my disgraced exit as Penta rose from the booth and stood chest to chest with his furious brother.

"This is bullshit Penta!" Fenix yelled. "I can't leave you alone with her now? You're going to let your hatred drive us apart. You can't try for me? Your brother. I love her. She is my everything."

The anger deflated from Pentagon and he stared at his brother with sympathy lighting his eyes, the sudden change in demeanor striking Fenix immediately, his eyes flashing between me and his brother with confusion.

"She's cheating on you Fenix." Pentagon said quietly.

Despite the loud music it felt like silence had descended over the table as Fenix stood in silence trying to process the words he had just heard. The emotions playing over Fenix's face; shock, anger, disbelief, all tore into my heart. I hadn't wanted this to happen. I never wanted to hurt Fenix like this. It was like a dagger to my heart.

Silently Pentagon handed Fenix my phone, irrefutable proof now in my fiancé's hands. Penta's hand reached to clasp Fenix's shoulders as they slumped, his lips disbelievingly mouthing the words on my screen before his head slowly turned towards me.

His accusing eyes stared at me, silently begging me to refute what was undeniable. I lowered my head, staring at my lap as I had no answer to give him.

My phone was flung onto the table and my head jerked up to see Fenix storming out of the club. Pentagon turned to me with an outstretched hand and I slowly pulled the beautiful ring off my finger, tears trailing down my cheeks as I watched Pentagon hurry after his brother.

It was over and I had no one to blame but myself. I had destroyed a loving, passionate and kind man for the sake of some cheap thrills. Sliding out of the booth I walked slowly through the throngs of dancing people my mind a mass of confusion as I tried to figure out where I was supposed to go. I certainly couldn't return to the room I shared with Fenix.

With nowhere left to turn I pulled out my phone and sent a quick message.

"I'm coming home." 

Fenix One Shot CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora