
203 3 0

Pairing: Fenix/FC

Category: Angstish

Word Count: 731

Warnings: Language, sexual content

 "He won't even bother to pretend to care."


"It's not your first time doing this, is it?" Kara asked wryly, proud that she had managed to keep her voice steady and tears unshed as she looked at the brother of the man she had made the mistake of falling head over heels for.

"Ordering beer?" Fenix asked looking away from the bartender he had just placed his order with to look at her in confusion, before he understood. "Oh...you mean picking up the pieces for Penta?"

Despite herself a tear slipped down Kara's cheek as she thought of how callously Pentagon had discarded her, as if she meant nothing to him.

Grabbing the two beer mugs in one hand, Fenix grabbed the crook of Kara's elbow and steered her towards one of the booths along the back wall. Handing her a glass he watched as she gulped at my beer while he sipped at his.

"Why did he throw you out?" Fenix asked when she had settled down enough to form a coherent sentence. Fenix leaned back against the vinyl booth, bright eyes keen on Kara. His evaluation of her answer was going to determine how things were going to go. Over the years Fenix had seen more than a few women tossed out on their ass by his volatile brother. Some he had a soft spot for and would help out, get them a little more time with the breaker of bones. Others he said good riddance to. Kara...well he didn't know her very well so he was rather undecided.

As her tale unfolded Fenix started leaning less on the benevolent side and more on the good riddance, going so far as to roll his eyes once as she cried. Kara really had no one to blame but herself, he certainly couldn't place fault on Penta over this one. Sure he overreacted more often than not, but she had really put her foot in it. Threatening to cheat on Pentagon during some kind of tantrum was never going to have the desired effect. Fenix ran his eyes over her once more before pulling his phone out and sending a quick text to his brother to see what kind of mind frame he was in

"You really fucked up." Fenix finally said as your sobs faded away. "What were you thinking?"

"I don't know," Kara wailed tears spilling down her cheeks again. "I got so mad and I didn't mean to. I would never Fenix. I would never cheat on Penta. You have to believe me." She stared beseechingly at the masked brother of her lover, her hand reaching to grab his wrist as she plead for his understanding. "Please help me."

"I don't know if I can. Or that I want to." Fenix said with a shrug of one shoulder as he read his brother's response to his message. "If he's done, he's usually done. He won't even bother to pretend to care."

"There's got to be a way Fenix." She tried again. "I can win him back if you talk some sense into him."

"Again, I don't think I want to." Fenix told her. "He's pissed off and I'm not really in the mood to talk him down. Especially for some girl I barely know. It's not worth it." He swallowed the rest of his beer and moved to stand, only for Kara to stop him by grabbing his wrist again.

"Look Fenix. I love Penta. With everything I have. I'll do anything...ANYTHING," She stressed meaningfully. "To get back with Penta."

Fenix looked out over the bar to hide his disgust with Kara fighting the urge to rip his arm free. Here she was proclaiming her deep love for his brother while offering herself up to him at the same time. If she loved Penta so much the thought of being with Fenix wouldn't even cross her mind.

"While it's...admirable...that you would fuck me out of love for my brother," Fenix said not bothering to temper his sarcasm. "I'm gonna have to pass." He pulled his arm free and slid out of the booth.

"You fucked up Kara. Throwing yourself at me blew any chance you may have had. You just proved Penta's point that you're a whore who will spread for anyone." Fenix spat as he walked away. 

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