Loose Rope

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I growl and pull my arms apart harder. Nothing seemed to work. The zip ties were too strong and he tied me up perfectly. I was never going to be able to leave.

At that point of realization, my arms were probably red and they hurt from the constant tugging. I really needed a break from this. There felt to be no blood flow going to my hands unless I pulled. That just hurt too much. I give up.

My legs haven't moved all day. They've been pushed together with zip tie and rope . I had no idea how uncomfortable this really was going to be after a long time.

The door opens slowly and Michael holds something in his hands. He shuts the door and flicks on the lights. I stare at him, just not too much. He's unpredictable, and frightening to look at.

"I got you something," he says, coming closer. He moves the chair and kneels down to my level. I tilt my head back and avoid his touch. He slides his arm around behind my back, the other hand flipping the same pocket knife out. I flinch at the sound.

He brings the other hand around and starts cutting the zip ties. My muscles tighten, afraid he might slice me again. My forearm ached from the stitching yesterday. I knew it was going to hurt like a bitch. Any small movement, or any movement I can make while tied up, hurt.

Suddenly, my arms push away from each other. I curl my fingers and sigh. I stretch. The relief I felt was unexplainable. I close my eyes, opening them almost immediatly from his voice.

"Stay there," he says, getting up. My legs were still tightly pulled together. I wasn't complaining. I never would've thought he'd give me a little freedom and relief from being tied.

He comes back after getting something off the ground. A water bottle. I was too busy not thinking about the fact, of course, but I was really thirsty.

"Take it," he says. He holds it out. I look up at him and slowly take it from his hand. I was waiting for him to tell me it was poisoned or I had to do something for him first, but no. He let me have the water with no costs.

He stands back and sits down on the chair before moving it back to its original spot. I watch him observe me. It was awkward, but at least I got something to drink.

I pop open the cap, forgetting the horrible wound he gave me. I pull my arm away and cuddle it. The stinging, burning pain was so much worse now. The fishing line he sewed into it to "stitch" it up was blocking the healing process. The cut was still a little open and gore.

Maybe I should be grateful that he hasn't killed me yet.

"Are you going to drink that or do I have to shove it down you throat for you?" He says, leaning forward. I shake my head quickly. The cap was already halfway off. I pull it off and chug the water bottle. I won't know the next time I'll get water.

After a few minutes I finish it. My stomach felt full. It was reliving in a way.

"Give it to me," he says, reaching his hand out. I lift it shakily. He takes it and walks away. He swings the door open and shuts it loudly. I hear his footsteps trail off. My hands were still untied, but I didn't want to risk anything. 

But as my brain had a great idea, staying still, my body took over. I reach down to pull on the rope around my legs. I pull harder and harder. I knew nothing would happen, but the will to live really took over.

My breathing goes heavy as I tug at the rope. My fingers were red. I pulled, until I felt something go loose. I pause and look in shock. I pull my knees apart, just to notice that the rope was getting looser. The zip tie around my ankles stayed still.

The doorknob turns and I pull my legs together, making the rope look tight.

"Oh, I forgot your hands," he says, rolling his eyes. He smacks his hands down on his thighs before leaving for another second. I slowly move my legs apart. The rope he tied so strongly was coming loose. I stop and tighten it once I hear him come in once again. I gulp, hoping that it looked just as tight as before.

My heart was racing. He kneels down next to me, grabbing my arms. The zip tie gets pulled around them once more before being pulled behind my back. I sigh.

He stands up and takes a look at me up and down. His fedora stays on his head as he squints and moves his head back a bit. "I could sell you for a lot," he says. He laughs a little. I freeze.

My heart sinks. Sell? Money? My eyes go wide. I was hoping he was joking. "What?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head, smiling. I stare at him, waiting for an answer. But, he leaves me with just that before leaving the room once again.

As footsteps trail away, I decide if it was a good idea to let my legs free. The rope was already loose enough.

Full of adrenaline, I tug and tug. The rope slowly untied itself. I was frightened. Maybe he would come in and catch me in the act. Then he beat me so hard I wouldn't remember my name.

Just as I thought, my luck runs out. the door opens. The rope was basically off from my legs. I gasp and sit still, frozen. He catches a stare at me before looking at the rope.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" He says angrily, quickly storming towards me. I shudder and cover my head before feeling his fists slam into the side of my head. Every few seconds was another hit that hurt more than the other.

After what felt like hours, he stops and tightly grabs my legs and pulling them up. I yell for a second from the surprise. He grabs the rope and ties it tightly, muttering all kinds of swear words. I gulp as he drops my legs and looks at me.

He grabs my face and bends down. His face was inches from mine. I stare at him. "If I catch you do something like that again, I swear to God I will saw your legs off and feed them to you until you vomit." He lets go of my jaw and walks away, shutting the door loudly.

I look down. I was not going to leave this place alive.

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