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"Weve collected tons of suspects, but here we have 3 people who match the descriptions well. Starting with Steven Frederick. These were taken at Walmart on the 14th."

Officer Sherlin looks closely at the image. An older man with a heavy jacket on. He was holding the hand of a young girl.

"Maybe. But the girl," he points at her hair. "Not like Emma. Too dark, and she's looks too small." He says, shaking his head.

The investigator nods. "It could be a wig, but maybe not. I'll keep him as a suspect." He says, tucking the photo back into a bag. He pulls a photo out of a woman.

"Sarah Wildern. A few people told the security guards at the mall of their suspicion after seeing a young girl act strangely with her. This was taken on January 7th."

The officer laughs and holds it closely, examining the young woman. "I doubt that's the kidnapper. She's a woman for God's sake," he laughs, looking at the investigator. He had a straight face.

"This isn't something to joke about, sir," he says, tucking the photo into another baggie. The officer clears his throat. "Excuse me."

"But we do have one more," the investigator says, pulling out another photo.

"Michael Jackson. This one was taken not too long ago at Smith's. The 22nd," he hands the photo to the officer, who squints his eyes. A man with black, curly hair falling out of a black hoodie. He was holding hands with a girl dressed in all black, like him.

"6 people reported him to the police station. This picture was actually taken by a woman who was very concerned about the girl. She stated that the young girl had bruising and seemed to be in distress and appeared nervous," he goes on.

The officer sets the photo down after examining and looks up at the investigator.

"We need to look him up," he says, picking up the phone quickly and setting it to his ear. "That's the first girl I've seen who's matched the description almost perfectly," he says, sounding a bit nervous and cheerful at the same time.

The investigator takes the photo, putting it back with the other photos in his baggie.

The phone rings for a minute until the officer sits and speaks.

"We need to pull up the name Michael Jackson on the computer. Tell me the adress given under his name," he says, looking at the investigator, who was smiling a bit. He was happy that this had a chance of being Emma Wilson.

The officer nods. "He's a suspect of the kidnapping of Emma Wilson. He could have Jacey Fowler, too. We need more information as soon as possible," he says, facing the door of his office now.

They sit in silence for a minute, until Officer Sherlin speaks again.

"Thank you for your time," he says quickly before hanging up and facing the patient investigator.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jorly," he says with a smile, shaking his hand. They say goodbye and part ways as Sherlin collects a few partners and heads quickly to Michael's house.

I know this is short, but the next chapter will be longer. Sorry.

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