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"It saw us," Eddie panted out, everyone nearly frozen in fear. Richie snapped out of it and ran to Violet's side.

"She's still breathing!" He exclaimed, in pure relief.

"It saw us, and It knows where we are!" Eddie yelled out, at the same time.

"It always did," Bill concluded. The gang shuddered just thinking about it. Richie tried to stir Violet, in hopes that she could calm Eddie down again. "S-so let's go."

Bill moved towards his bike, hoping he could rally his friends. Most of them appeared to be more frightened to purposely go to It, than what had just happened. Mike ran a hand through his hair in frustration. How many more lives could It take, if the Losers came to It?

"Go?" Ben asked, afraid, "Go where?"

"Neibolt," Bill stated, as if it was obvious, "That's where G-georgie is."

"After that?" Stanley asked him, gesturing to Richie and Violet. "How could you possibly want Violet to willing follow you to that place? She was nearly taken from us, right before our eyes!" Violet opened her eyes to meet her favorite four-eyes.

"Richie?" she muttered. The Losers let out a breath of relief to see her awake. Richie helped her up, and then grabbed her bike. Violet pulled Richie into a hug, to his surprise. He gave her a one armed hug, while holding up her bike. "Thank you."

"No problem," he said, letting go. He readjusted his glasses and led Violet and her bike to the rest of the gang.

"What's going on?" She asked, seeing how scared they all looked. Nerves filled her stomach when she saw the look on Bill's face.

"It's summer, Bill," Richie stated, glaring at him, "We should be outside."

"If you say it's summer one more f-fucking time..." Bill exclaimed, looking hurt. If his friends wouldn't join him, he'd have to do this one on his own. He grabbed his bike and sped off toward Neibolt.

"Would someone explain to me what happened? And where's Bill going?" Violet asked, getting upset that no one would answer her.

"Bill! Wait!" Beverly cried out, going toward her bike. The rest of the gang followed.

"Bill is going to get himself killed, that's what!" Eddie exclaimed, as Violet jumped on her bike. She followed them, reluctantly, still not exactly knowing where they were going.

Meanwhile, Bill was standing in front of the well house, ready to avenge his brother.

"This is for G-georgie and A-ashton," he muttered, "He t-thrusts his fists against the p-post and still insists h-he s-sees the g-gho..." He trailed off, his stutter getting to be too much for him. The Losers pulled up just in time to see Bill nearly commit suicide.

"Bill!" Beverly called, as he turned around, "Bill, you can't go in there. This is crazy." They all dumped their bikes, with the exception for Violet, who was still standing on her's, and Stanley, who put up his kickstand again.

"Look, you don't have to come in with me. But what happens when another Georgie or Ashton goes missing? Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or, better yet, one of us?" Violet shuddered, just thinking of her missing friends and brother. "Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but... He isn't." Violet felt something enter her stomach and it burned inside her, as she glared at Bill. "So walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own."

"William Denbrough!" Everyone watched, as Violet stormed up to him, "You are not the only person in this stupid town to have lost a family member, hell I lost almost all my family members at once! When my dad died, it was as though my mom basically left us to fend for ourselves. Her depression did that to her and to all of us. Don't get me started on Patrick because his betrayal to my family was the hardest. We used to do everything together. I have felt the pain of losing people I loved and nearly lost myself along the way.

"Stop and think about us! Mike's parents basically died before his eyes," Violet stood on the stairs with him, gesturing to each Loser, "Eddie's mom turned him into the biggest hypochondriac I've ever met. It's as though he's in a plastic bubble twenty-four, seven. The few times I've seen Richie's father, he reminds me of my brother now. You couldn't even imagine that kind of abuse, could you, Bill? I bet being the rabbi's son isn't much better, having to live up to exactly that every day of your life. You couldn't do it, but Stan tries so hard to please his father. Ben tries to help his mother every day of his life because of the loss of his own father. When his uncle tries to be a father to him, it ends up turning into another Cinderella story. I've met Ben's uncle, and he reminds me so much of the evil stepmother.

"A-and Beverly," Violet gazed down at her only girlfriend, "reminds me so much of myself, that I feel like I should've been a better friend to her before. None of us are remotely alone and it's because of you, Bill. You found a family in the all the people you trust and understand. All every one of us ever wanted, was acceptance. We found that right here, with you as our guide. We might be able to follow you to the ends of the earth, but we also protect you and each other. So we will go in there with you, as protection and as people who couldn't understand better."

Violet came back down the stairs and initiated a hug to Beverly, who instantly hugged her back. This was Violet's family and she'd do anything for them.

"Wow," Richie stated, once the two girls released a hold of each other.

"What?" Ben asked, incredulously.

"Bill didn't stutter once," Richie turned to Violet, "And where the hell did that come from?" Violet blushed deeply, as everyone chuckled at Richie's comment. "I'm not kidding. If you were like that at school, you'd have that 'Come at me, bro' aura." Violet laughed and ruffled Richie's hair. Richie and Violet both walked up the stairs this time, with some of the gang following.

"Wait," Stanley called, getting their attention, "Um, shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know, just in case something bad happens?"

"W-who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked. All the boys raised their hands, synchronized. Beverly and Violet watched this, sharing a giggle. The boys shared looks of their own, before lowering their hands.

"Fuck," Richie said, walking up the stairs. Eddie immediately followed his best friend, not wanting to lose him. Violet turned back around to Bill and nodded.

"No, no, and no," Mike said, going up the stairs and picking up Violet under her arms. He brought her down to the rest of them. "The amount of times we've seen you try to protect us, you end up unconscious and bleeding out. You are staying here with us." Violet huffed and sat down on the dusty walkway. Bill agreed with Mike, before leading Richie and Eddie inside the dreaded building. There was no going back.

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