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The whole world held it's breath, as the door to the well house creaked open. Bill immediately saw how old and trashed the place looked. Richie and Eddie moved closer together, praying that neither of them would go missing in here. Richie was scared out of his mind, but of course, he wouldn't show it.

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks," Richie just talked, no filter required.

"Shut up, Richie," Eddie managed to get out. The smell in the house was absolutely horrifying.

"Y-you volunteered anyway," Bill spoke up, walking deeper into the creepy house. Eddie nearly couldn't handle the smell.

"I can smell it."

"Don't breathe through your mouth," Richie commented, to freak him out.

"How come?" Eddie said, taking everything in. He couldn't believe he had willingly volunteered to do this. Why couldn't Mike do this? He seemed tough enough to handle a house.

"Because then you're eating it," Richie finished the joke, though he didn't laugh. He was too busy checking out the place. Eddie gagged and took a puff off his inhaler again. The three boys trekked further into the house, praying it wouldn't swallow them whole.

Outside, Violet was picking at what was left of the grass. Beverly and Ben were making small talk, and Stan and Mike were waiting in anticipation for their three friends return. Violet couldn't believe that everyone thought it better for her to wait outside. She'd been in worse situations before.

"Hey, Vi," Beverly muttered, as she sat down by her, "Can I braid your hair?" Violet nodded and shifted her legs to make it easier for Bev. "I really miss braiding my own hair."

"Why'd you cut it?" Violet asked, as Beverly got to work.

"I-it was my dad," Beverly spoke softly, so the boys wouldn't hear, "You were right in saying that I reminded you of yourself. I thought you were like me from the start. That's why I tried so hard to be your friend and get you to come out of your shell. I wanted a friend, but I also wanted someone I could truly relate to."

"Your dad," Violet started, "Does he try to treat you like a-"

"Princess? Yes, he does," Violet felt for Bev, "Does Patrick?" Violet nodded. The two girls felt much closer with the smallest things mentioned. Beverly vowed to keep Violet safe at all costs.

"Would you like to have a sleepover at some point?" Beverly asked, as she carefully maneuvered Violet's hair into place.

"I'd love to." They kept quiet, as Violet's braid was being finished. Stanley was chatting with Mike and Ben, when he saw Violet's hair pulled up. She looked...

"Beautiful," Ben muttered under his breath. All three boys watched the girls' exchange. They watched how Violet's face lit up with the mention of a sleepover, how her eyes sparkled with wonder, yet the pain was still clearly visible behind them. Ben felt torn. He'd had a schoolgirl crush on Beverly since she connected with him on the last day of school, but his best friend was turning out to be even more painstakingly perfect every day.

"Hey Bev," Violet broke their silence, "Do you mind if I'm alone for a while? I need some time to think." Beverly had wrapped a rubber band around Violet's hair to keep it in place. With her head turned, Violet's hair draped down her left shoulder. Beverly nodded and joined the boys, her back turned away.

Violet sighed, in pain. She wondered what Patrick was doing now, if her mom would ever get better, if she could hold Ashton one more time. She wished it all would disappear and she could have her life back. She cried silently, in hope. When she opened her eyes, they widened. She could see two figures dancing around by the side of the house. Two figures she knew all too well.

"Ashton? Georgie?" she wondered. She stood up and checked on the Losers'. They wouldn't notice her gone for a few seconds. She took a few steps toward the two kids. Their laughter brought back hope in her.

"Come play with us, Vi!" Georgie called out to her. Ashton stopped in his tracks, his face lit up when he saw Violet.

"Come on, Lettie! I miss you!" Violet smiled brightly, and ran after them. Bill was right. They were alive. And she'd never let Ashton out of her sights again.

Both boys ran around the back of the house, singing a silly song. Violet giggled and kept following them, until she couldn't see them anymore. Her smile lessened, as she looked everywhere for them. A door to the back of the well house creaked open and small footsteps were heard going upstairs. She grinned and entered the back of the house.

"Where'd you two go?" She called out, playfully. The boys giggles reached Violet from above, so she began to climb the stairs.

"It's hide and seek, Vi!" She heard Georgie and hurried up the stairs.

"Come play with us, here below. You can stay, and never go!" Ashton sang. He kept repeating it, with Georgie joining in. Violet began to get chills, the words to the song slowly getting to her. She followed the sounds of their voices and laughter into a single room at the end of the hall. Neither of the two boys were in sight, but their laughter was still ringing. Violet slowly walked to the closet and yanked the doors open to reveal...


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