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"I can only remember parts, but I thought I was dead." The gang held onto her every word, concerned. "That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like, our parents' ages."

"W-what were we all doing there?" Bill asked the question in everyone's minds. Violet tried to make it seem as though she didn't know the same things Beverly did, when they both were taken by the deadlights.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that." Beverly stared at her shoes, just thinking about it. She took a glance at Violet, knowing she had gotten taken too, but Violet never looked her way. Or anyone's way, for that matter. She seemed to be off in her own world.

Suddenly, Bill stood up. Violet's eyes were drawn to the object in his hands, broken glass. She didn't even want the thought of blood in her head, let alone having her skin be pierced, yet again. Everyone watched him, waiting.

"Swear it," Bill began, "S-swear if It isn't dead, if It ever comes back, we'll come back, too." The gang shared looks with each other, hoping someone would turn out to be the brave one. That one came in a package of two, as Beverly and Violet both stood up. They didn't hesitate. They both knew. As much as everyone knew Violet's stability was at risk whenever blood was around, they knew that she wanted to do this, with or without the blood oath.

Richie and Eddie followed suit, as Bill sliced his own hand, soon followed by Mike, Ben, and eventually, Stanley. Bill went to each of them in turn, soon locking eyes with Violet's. He finished with Mike, before turning to her. The sympathy went through their exchange, Violet nodding firmly.

Bill took her hand in his, digging the piece of broken glass into her palm. Violet bit her lip and closed her eyes, as Stanley took hold of her now bloody hand. Stanley reluctantly let Bill slice his hand, knowing he'd only come back if Violet did. Ben and Beverly didn't even flinch as Bill came to them.

With that, they each held their dripping red hands in an oath. Violet stood between Stanley and Mike, feeling the pain and comfort of their hands in hers. After a few good, promising moments of silence, Stanley broke away from Violet and Ben's grips.

"I gotta go," he called, "I hate you." He pointedly looked at Bill, who understood. Stanley looked at Violet, before smiling at the gang, getting smiles back in return. They all shared a good laugh, as Stanley stepped away from the gang.

"I'll see you later," He took off away from them, not seeing Violet following his figure with her eyes. She turned back to the group, seeing them all look at her, pointedly. She blushed, before reading Beverly's lips. 'Go!' She smiled and parted ways with the gang, going after Stanley.

"Stanley? Stanley!" She yelled out, after him. She exited the trees, seeing Stanley about to leave on his bike, "Stanley!" He turned, dropping his bike. She had come after him. Violet walked over to him and hugged him tight.

"I'm gonna miss you," she whispered to him, tears falling. He hugged her back with the same force, hoping they could stay like this.

"I'll miss you, too," Stanley choked on a sob, just now understanding how much he was going to miss her, "I'll be here, if you ever need me." They let go, seeing the tears in the other's eyes. They shared a laugh, before Stanley leaned in and kissed Violet's cheek.

Violet's breath hitched, as Stanley then left on his bike. She touched her cheek, absentmindedly. She was soon joined by Eddie, Mike, and Richie, who all gave her big hugs.

"Thank you," she said, pulling away from Eddie, "for saving my life all those times. I probably wouldn't be here without your help." Eddie smiled at Violet, finding her so much different than the first time they met. She moved on to Richie.

"Thank you for being the first boy I could trust in a long time," Richie squealed like a girl, when Violet kissed his cheek, before ruffling up his hair. Mike and Eddie laughed at his reaction, just as Ben appeared from the trees. Richie and Eddie waved one last goodbye to Violet, before biking off together. Violet and Mike shared a hug, now in a brother/sister relationship.

"I wish you could stay with us," Mike said, letting go of her, "My granddad feels just fine taking you in." Violet wiped away a stray tear, gazing up at her closest friend.

"I know," Violet shared, feeling the same way, "He legally could, if I had no other living relatives." Mike began to look frazzled.

"But, you've never met your uncle. How do you know you'll like him?" Violet smiled at him, lovingly. She held onto his hands, tightly.

"You're right. I don't know," she paused, "But I do know that he's my family. Just like you are, and I'll never forget you." Mike gave her a final hug, before leaving her with a bawling Ben.

"You're leaving me," Ben said, simply. Violet's heart dropped to her stomach as she attacked him in a hug that would last a lifetime. Neither of the two wanted to let go.

"I'll never truly leave you, not if you don't want me to," Ben cried, as Violet's words of wisdom got to him. "And I promised your mom I'd come back for a Christmas with you." They let go, reluctantly. Ben couldn't bear to say goodbye, so he waved one final time, heading off on his bike as well.

Violet stood there, looking at Reginald's old car, before heading toward the Kissing Bridge. She could hear Margaret's squeals of laughter, as she soon found Victor hugging her from behind. The two looked so happy, considering all that had previously happened.

"Hey, Vic," the two turned, "Think I could get a ride home? I can put my bike in the back." Victor smiled and hugged Violet tight. She held onto him, praying she would see these two again. They were living proof to Violet that people could really change for the better. Violet hadn't seen Greta since the funerals, and all she had heard, came from Margaret. Since last week, Greta had taken a turn towards depression after losing one of her closest friends. Violet really didn't know what to do or what to say.

Violet looked out at the passing houses, sitting in the back seat of Reginald's old car, which, she soon found out, now belonged to Victor. She felt only slightly uncomfortable, sitting in the potential spot that Patrick was found dead in. She missed her brother dearly, even after all the bad stuff he'd ever done to her.

"So, where are you headed?" Margaret asked her, half turning in her seat to see Violet.

"Somewhere in Michigan," Violet responded, "My mom's brother and his family live there. I've never met them and they didn't make the trip here for her funeral, so it'll be new to me."

"Wait," Victor interrupted, "Your uncle didn't come up here for his own sister's funeral? How bizarre is that?" Margaret calmed him down real fast.

"Maybe they had something going on they couldn't get out of," she offered, "Or was of equal importance to the funeral. Think about it. They live a good while away. There is a very good chance the funeral came as a shock to them and the already had plans."

"I get that," Violet started, "But I still find it a little, shady of them."

"Don't worry, you can contact any of us here, if you need," Victor glanced in his mirror, smiling at Violet. She smiled back, purely. He stopped the car right behind Violet's social worker's car. Mrs. Jane Hawkins smiled, as she spotted the girl hopping out of her friend's car. Victor got Violet's bike out with no trouble and gave her one final hug, before taking off with his girlfriend.

"Are you all set?" Jane asked Violet, as they entered the house. Violet nodded, going to grab her bags. How much she would truly miss this place.

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