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Down in the cistern, Violet shifted herself. She groaned as she finally woke up. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, but she could soon make out some toys laying nearby. She slowly stood up, her eyes traveling up the tall mountain of toys. She gasped.

It was the missing kids... Floating. She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest, as she looked for an exit. She was about to run, when she spotted Beverly, floating a few feet higher than Violet's grasp. Circus music sounded throughout the cistern, making her eyes wander everywhere for the clown.

There he was. A circus trailer stood behind him, as he smirked at her. Violet gulped, her eyes trailing back and forth between It and Beverly.

"W-what did you do to her?" Violet took steps back in fear. She knew that It knew she was still scared. Her fear was getting far worse. It stepped closer to her.

"Why, what I'm about to do to you," It stated, grabbing hold of her. Violet closed her eyes, waiting for pain, but felt nothing. Her heart dropped to her stomach.

"Lettie?" She gasped and opened her eyes, at the sound of her brother's voice. And just like that, she was taken. She floated up to the same height as Beverly, her eyes looking up to the floating kids, as darkness consumed her.

Elsewhere in the sewer, Bill looked up from the group and saw Georgie in his raincoat. Georgie ran off towards Beverly and Violet, with another figure following him.

"A-ashton?" Bill questioned, as he grabbed the gun and followed the two. The Losers and Sally surrounded Stanley, whose face was covered in bites. Eddie looked around the group to see Bill missing.

"Bill!" Eddie called, going down another sewer, hoping it would lead them to Bill and the girls.

Bill entered the cistern, seeing the stack of toys in the middle of it all. His flashlight went up, as he saw Beverly floating above him.

"Beverly!" He ran through the grey water, toward her. He tried to jump up and grab her, but It had her just out of his reach. He didn't even try to find Violet, as he saw the yellow raincoat and heard laughter around the corner. "I'll come back for you, Bev."

The Losers and Sally finally found where the tunnel lead to, Mike calling out for Beverly. They ran through there, only to stop and stare at Beverly and Violet. They walked over to where they were, in shock.

"H-how are they in the air?" Richie asked, scared for his life. He didn't want to end up like that. And what the hell were they staring at? Eddie slowly turned and pointed his flashlight above them, almost choking on air.

"Guys," he managed, as they all looked at him, before turning to the missing kids, "Are those.."

"The missing kids," Stanley stated, fear lacing his voice. He looked at Violet again, hoping she wasn't too far gone, "Floating."

"Just let me grab her," Ben said, as Mike held him up. He reached for Beverly's ankles and gently began to pull.

"Stop! Wait!" He let go and turned, seeing Stanley gazing at Violet. She was now higher in the air than Beverly.

"What the fuck?" Richie questioned, as Ben thought about this. He took hold of one of Beverly's ankles and watched as he pulled her down a ways. Eddie and Richie watched the two girls, in shock. Ben released some tension from her ankle, to see Violet slowly come back to the same spot as Beverly.

"What's happening?" Mike asked, putting Ben down. Ben's heart ached at what he was about to say.

"We have to choose." They all stood there, unsure of what to do.

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