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Ambulances flew past the Hockstetter and Hanscom residences, with two dead teenagers in the back. The police car following, pulled off to the side of the road, in front of the Hockstetter house. Two gentlemen shared a solemn look and got out of the vehicle, making their way to the house. One of the men hesitated, before knocking on the door.

"I'm not saying a thing. It's all you, Daniel." One man stated simply, giving Daniel a pat on the shoulder. Daniel rolled his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Come on, Kev. This isn't an easy thing to tell someone. We're both doing this, or we might be out of a job," Daniel and Kev waited patiently, hearing soft steps through the house. After another minute of waiting, the door peeked open. Both men were surprised at who they saw.

"Ang," Kev took his hat off, barely recognizing the woman, "You're up."

"Yes," Angela Hockstetter squeaked out, "What can I do you for?" Both men just stood there, startled that Angela wasn't in her usual state. No one in town had seen or heard from her specifically since Emmett's death.

"Uh," Kev nudged Daniel, getting him out of his daze, "Ma'am, there's been an accident involving your son." Angela's eyes widened, in fear for her child. "I, uh, I..." Daniel trailed off, realizing just how painful this was for him to try and get out, let alone for the mother of said child.

"Ang," Kev redirected her attention, "Your son, Patrick, was found dead in the back of a car by Neibolt Street." Angela's body reacted before she did, as her legs gave way. Daniel and Kev grabbed hold of her, before she hit the ground. Tears already stained her face, when she realized they helped her.

"H-he's gone?" She muttered, her eyes moving from place to place, "Just like the rest of them." She held onto the two gentlemen, choking on her sobs. Emmett was one thing, but all of her children now gone as well... Angela was angered. Something in her just snapped.

"NO!" She screamed, reaching for Daniel's handgun. She tried to shoot herself, only for Kev to grab her hand away from her head. A shot rang out, hitting the porch. Angela reached for the gun with her other hand, hoping second time was a charm. There was no world for her here, without her family.


Angela struggled with the cops, in retrieving the gun again. With all the ruckus going on, many families were now standing on their porches, watching the exchange between the cops and the one person none of them had seen in a lifetime. Kev kept a firm grip on the gun, not realizing which way it was pointed, until a third shot rang out.


Daniel's eyes widened, seeing Angela fall backward, her head knocking into the front door. She hit the floor with a thud, pants coming from both gentlemen. Kev's hands shook, as he dropped the weapon. He blinked, hoping this wasn't real.

"Guys," Daniel called through his walkie, "We need an ambulance immediately." Kev had gone back to the police car, and sat in the passenger seat. The neighbors began to slowly make their way over to the scene, curiosity filled to the brim.

Angela Hockstetter had managed to kill herself on the third try...

When you hear people say, 'Third times a charm,' I don't think this is quite what most people have in mind. Once another ambulance came around, Angela Hockstetter was proclaimed dead.

Halfway across town, the Losers were walking out of the Neibolt house for, hopefully, the last time. Violet had dried tears sticking to her face, seeing Bill carry Sally Mueller's dead body out of the house. She walked up to Bill, her eyes still trained on Sally.

"I miss you," she whispered, giving the girl a kiss on the forehead. Bill let Beverly walk his bike, as Mike saw how unstable Violet had become. He helped her into the basket again, as she pulled her legs in tight. They were silent, walking through town. It felt as though they had faced the whole world, yet somehow the world seemed much bigger than before. Things were changing, and they all hoped it was for good.

September 1989

Violet had finished packing her bags the day after her mother's funeral. The Losers, Greta, Margaret, and Victor stayed by her side the whole day. Of course, they also had to give Patrick a proper send off, as well. Violet didn't very much care for his funeral as much as her mother's, but it still hurt.

This was the boy that willingly went to ballet recitals. This was the boy that cared for his sister and brother before the accident. Just thinking what if's about the accident, made Violet feel ten times worse. What if the accident never happened? What if she had died, while her father lived? Would there even be a difference in Patrick's behavior?

The phone rang, interrupting Violet's thoughts. She zipped her suitcase shut, before heading downstairs to the phone.

"Hello?" She asked, sniffling. She gazed around the living room, with a small smile on her face. She was remembering when they were all here, together.

"Lettie? How are you doing?" Ben answered, making Violet let out a small laugh. She looked at the front door, before answering.

"Couldn't you have just walked over and rang the doorbell?" She retorted, hoping he remembered that she hadn't moved yet. She knew that Ben was going to miss her the most. She was, after all, the first friend he had ever made here. Without her, he wouldn't have even met the rest of the Losers.

"Uh, I'm not at home," Ben cleared his throat, "Beverly called a while ago, she wants us to meet near the area where we were first all together." Violet shuddered at the memory, but nodded her head.

"Of course, I'll be there. See you in a bit?" She asked him, hopefully.

"Course! See ya, Lettie!" Violet placed the black phone down, sighing. This would be the last time she would see the Losers. Violet trudged to the garage and yanked out her bicycle, ready to see them one last time.

Unbeknownst to her, Stanley was riding a ways behind the Hockstetter girl. He watched her brown hair flow behind her in the wind and her eyes light up, instantly at the sight of nature. She had on a plain, yet pretty purple dress along with her favorite sneakers. Stanley chuckled, knowing all too well how much a girly girl and a tomboy she truly was.

Violet got off her bike when she saw Reginald's old car, sitting where it had the last time they were here. This time, though, Victor and Margaret were walking along the Kissing Bridge not far away from them. Violet locked eyes on their entwined hands and smiled. She dropped her bike by the car and went through the trees.

"Violet!" She was immediately attacked by Richie and Eddie. She hugged them in return, not bearing the ache of leaving them.

The rest of the gang were sitting on old logs, waiting for the two members who, coincidentally, had shown up last.

"Woah, Stan the man! Did you finally score a date before showing up today?" Richie asked, making Violet turn to see him right behind her. Both teenagers blushed at the thought, as the rest of them laughed.

"So what if he did?" Violet said, a smirk on her face, "I obviously didn't get to pick which one of you I wanted for my first date, now did I?" Richie blushed now, observing her prompt back to their times together at the arcade. It was quiet for a moment, before Beverly began to get fidgety.

"Guys," she started, "There's something I wanted to tell you, before a couple of us part ways." She and Violet shared a look, the rest of the gang knowing how hard it would be without their girls.

"Back in the cistern, I saw something... Something terrifyingly freaky."

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