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Neither of them got very far. Victor Criss grabbed Violet by the hair and Belch Huggins snatched up Ben by the middle. Violet was terrified. Where Henry and his gang were, Patrick was bound to be with them.

No sooner had she thought this, Patrick came into view and Violet tried to shrink into Victor, only to have her hair yanked by said boy. They began to drag the two all the way to the Kissing Bridge.

"No! Henry, stop! Please!" Violet screamed. Ben, too shocked to scream, looked at Violet. He'd never heard Violet raise her voice in the whole time he knew her.

Violet knew all too well not to try to reason with her brother, so her only option was the Bowers boy. All the older boys did nothing but laugh.

"Wait," Ben tried to slide past them.

"Fucking hold him!" Henry yelled, pointing at Belch and Victor. Violet's eyes bulged as Patrick's meaty hands replaced Victor's soft ones. She screamed and kicked so much, Patrick smirked. He knew what she was getting when they got home. He leaned down by her ear. She immediately stopped, when she felt his breath on her neck.

"I'd stop if I were you. You don't want a repeat of what happened when you saved the Jew, do you?" Violet shrank away, in fear, but stopped anyway. "Good girl."

Violet looked onward at Henry and Ben, who's shirt somehow got thrown up over his head.

"Look at all this blubber!" Belch calls, as Victor slaps Ben's stomach. Patrick shoves Violet into Henry who holds her round the waist.

"Let me light his hair," Patrick interfered, grabbing a can of hairspray and his lighter, "like Michael Jackson." As soon as Violet saw the flames going near her friend, she screamed.

"Alright, take Princess back and you two hold him," Henry reaches for Ben, looking ready to kill.

"Get off me! Get off me!" Ben defended, trying to be brave. The sound of a car engine came by, as the six teens turned and looked.

"Help!" Ben and Violet shouted toward the people in the car. They did nothing but stare at them, as they passed. Right before they were out of sight, a single red balloon floated to the roof of the car. Violet and Ben just stared at the balloon, scared out of their minds.

A crunch sound brought Violet back, to see Ben getting punched in the face. Henry looked so pissed.

"Stop it, Henry!" she yelled. He turned to her and smirked, before going back to Ben.

"Okay, new kid," Henry ignored Violet, "This is what us locals call the Kissing Bridge. It's famous for two things; sucking faces," Patrick imitated kissing Violet, while Belch made kissing noises toward Ben, "and carving names." Henry then pulled out a pocket knife, scaring the hell out of Violet.

"Henry, please stop! I beg of you, just stop!" Violet pleaded with him. He stepped away from Ben for only a moment and brought his knife toward Violet's throat. The cold metal against her skin made her heart beat faster. His face was inches from her own. She could smell his musk.

"I like it when you beg for me, Princess," Violet felt disgusted, "Do it again." Her face drained as Henry's knife threatened her neck further.

"P-p-p..." She couldn't make out anything coherent with the flat side of Henry's knife trailing down her neck toward her breasts. Her face turned the color of strawberry, as Ben screamed and lurched out of the other boys' grasps.

He ran toward Henry and kicked him in the side. Henry gave Ben a 'you're dead' look before Ben jumped over the Kissing Bridge and ran off away from them.

"Go after him!" Henry yelled at Victor, Patrick, and Belch. Patrick tossed Violet toward Henry and took off, leading the other boys in Ben's direction.

"Run, Ben! Run!" Violet yelled so loud, Ben could vaguely hear it as he kept going. He couldn't hear any footsteps behind him, but it didn't mean they weren't following. He pumped his legs, trying to find a good spot to hide.

Violet, on the other hand, wasn't having much luck. As a way to shut her up, Henry pulled out his knife again and held it by her stomach.

"If I can't carve my name into your cottage cheese friend, you'll have to do, Princess." Violet was flipped on her back with ease, her mind spinning. Henry began to lift up her shirt, which made her squirm. She began to whimper. This reminded her all too well of what Patrick did.

"Well, Little Hockstetter," Henry said, his eyes full of fire, "you look pretty fine under all your clothes." He squeezed one of her small breasts, making her squeak.

"Don't worry, Princess," Henry's knife trailed her chin for a moment, "It'll be over soon." With that, he moved his knife toward her stomach and she began to scream.

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