vii. Coming Up Lux!

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seven coming up lux!

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seven coming up lux!

         "THIS IS SO NOT WHAT I IMAGINED WHEN YOU ASKED ME TO HANG OUT," Lux muttered, gracefully walking the tightrope of a fallen tree, eyeing Stefan with displeasure. His face was bloody as he finished drinking from a bunny. At first, the sight of the animal's blood caused her control to slip. She had sighed, feeling as her fangs emerged and eyes turned dark with veins running underneath, but taking a moment to ground herself, she went back to looking human.

The rabbit did not sway her again. The same could not be said for Stefan. Lux eyed the woods around them, ears taking note of the scurrying squirrels and birds fluttering around. She had been camping before here – once as a little girl with Uncle Timothy, but neither were suited for outside survival. He tried to build a fire, failed, and they spent half the night in the woods before Lux cried and demanded to go home. So – correction – she tried to go camping once.

But Lux had never been the type to enjoy the outdoors. She much preferred air conditioning and not dealing with bug bites. While those weren't a problem anymore, the gnats were still annoying. And she always hated getting her hands dirty, but after burying lots and lots of bodies, she felt more comfortable being grimy.

"I just want you to know that there's other ways to live as a vampire," Stefan said.

"Yeah, I know about the vegetarian diet. It's what the vampires in Twilight do," Lux snapped, "But, seeing as I'm not a Cullen, I opted to not go their way."

"Drinking from humans can be dangerous. It's easy to lose control and kill them."

"I'm aware. Before I learned I could compel, I was killing people left and right. And, I'm not saying that to boast, because I'm not proud of it, but I have control now," Lux stressed, "I can feed without killing. I've done it a lot, and it suits me just fine."

Lux huffed. Sitting down on the fallen tree she tightrope walked upon. "If you like the bunny diet, I'm good. To each their own – but snatch, eat, erase works great for me."

Stefan looked at her. Peering into his eyes, she saw a deep regret and longing, but he quickly shook that off. She frowned, but didn't comment. Whatever reason he had for hunting animals instead of humans was for him to know and her not to question.

He sat down beside her.

"Control is easy to lose."

Lux shot him a look. "I know. I mean, I willingly put myself in confined spaces with humans every day as a baby vampire, so I'm well aware of that slippery slope. But it's been working for me, and I'm proud of myself."

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