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SMUT, again sorry, also it's a pretty long chapter before the smut so of you don't wanna her to wait read another one just skip down I guess.

Fandom: Marvel

Character: Natasha Romanoff 

Y/h/c: your hair colour

Y/L/N: your last name

Natasha walks into the meeting room, back from her mission and you watch her sit across from you.

"Hey." You mutter nervously.

She nods at you before looking back to Tony who walks in.

"Hey Tony." She says smirking.

Tony smiles at her before turning back to the team before him.

"So, anyways Fury said that we have a mission but I've decided that we don't have a mission so we don't have a mission." He says and my eyebrows scrunch together.

"Kidding, kidding- Jesus so serious." He says glancing around the room.

"We don't have a mission, so we all get a few days off. Welcome back Nat, hope everything went well and Y/L/N can I speak to you for a sec?" He asks and you get nervous.

"Sure." You stand up and everyone else files out.

"You like Nat?" He asks and you choke on the air.

"No- I- what why?" You ask.

"Well if you did, not saying you do because you obviously do, if you asked her out she would say yes." He says casually, his fingers dancing across multiple screens and I watch as he literally builds a suit fit for a small adult.

"And how do you know that?" I ask crossing my arms.

He suddenly stops and all of his attention turns to me.

"I just know Y/L/N ok? If I'm going to regret things in my life it's not going to be the fact that I deprived you or Nat a chance of falling in love." 

The he pats my shoulder and turns back to the screen.

"Friday can you call Pete?"

"Calling 'my son'." Friday says and Tony gives me a look.

"Mention this and you will disappear and I will make sure no one looks." He says pointing a finger at me and I nod.

I step out of the room and see Steve and Bucky talking.

"Hey- uh have you guys seen Nat?" 

The stumble apart and Bucky glances away his face red and Steve clears his throat.

"Think she's in the kitchen."

"Thanks." I say frowning at them.

I find my way into the kitchen and see Nat balancing a bowl of cereal, a banana, and a pop tart box.

"Want some help?" I ask and she turns around laughing.

"Thanks." She says.

"No problem." I say taking the banana.

She walks out of the kitchen and back into the living room where Steve and Bucky are kissing against the wall and we tiptoe past then holding in our giggles.

We get to the elevator and the doors open and we step in. As soon as the doors shut, we both laugh.

"They're so cute." Nat says smiling softly.

I nod.

"You ever been in love?" I ask.

"I used to think love was for children, but I've found this family and you even- to give me a perspective of love." She says and I nod, blushing and glancing away when she mentions me.

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