Winter Solder

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I had been a assassin at HYDRA for about 10 years, since I was 10 they had been training me. I was really actually one of the best, besides him.

He didn't have a name.

Just a number.


And that arm.

Honestly he was kind of cool, the first time we went head to head he went easy on me; till I choked him out and then he was rough, not that I minded being pinned down by him honestly.

So here I was, sparring with him, I called him 3 and he called me sooka. Bitch, in Russian. 

He pinned me down and I laughed, catching him off guard and I just stared into his face. He always looked sad, especially since the last mission where some guy had been calling him Bucky. I had been watching silently from the roof, reporting and he didn't notice. Gaining a little respect from sneaking around and tailing him on orders.

"Get up sooka." He says and I grab his wrist, using it as leverage to jump up but he just grabs me and slams be back down.

"Stop being mean." I whine and his lips twitch.

"Stop flirting, I have a mission for the two of you. Even you." He says pointing at me; 3 drops my wrists and looks away from me, his long hair still tied back from when I put it up for him.

He had a little braid I did when were outside together, and he pulls it out and stands at attention.

I cross my arms and give attitude, and Alexander ignores me.

"I'll give the mission to him, and then he can fill you in." He says, handing the folder to 3 and then leaving out.

3 flips through the folder, scanning and his eyes narrow a little when he see's someone.

"What?" I ask, trying to see but he just shoves me away harshly.

"Who's the target?"

"The Avengers."

We're sitting in a plane, flying over some compound facility. 3's filled me in on everything, and we're standing at the back of an open plane.

"No parachute?" I yell over the wind, the clouds clear and we see a grey building.

"Shut it sooka."

"Love you too." I say smiling teasingly and I swear for a second he looks like he's blushing, but then he turns his face away.

He jumps out of the plane and I follow, also no parachute, and we land on the roof rolling to the ground and we get to our feet running in lap to the edge of the building.

He crouches and I do the same, grabbing a small sniper from my back and setting it up on the roof.

"I'll go down, you stay up here and tell me if there's anything. I'll give you the signal when we move forward." He says, he jumps off the roof and I watch him through the lens as he runs down taking out a few guards.

Something whooshes behind me and I glance back, seeing a man wearing something that looks like a metal birdsuit.

He comes flying at me, trying to kick me but I grab his leg, pulling out a knife from my side mid flight and plunging it into his leg and he yells out.

"Nat, a little help here?" 

Something else flies, and I stick my hand out stopping it mid air.

I see 3 watching me as I soar up and I drop down next to him pulling out a larger knife.

"You didn't wait." He growls.

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