2. New home

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A/N - the fic is written in 2015, so the characters' appearance is just like it was then.

Iron gates opened with a loud squeak, letting the car. I was looking at the nature around me through the window. My jail for a year. At least.

I somehow still managed to screw up that night. Absolutely wasted, I found my father in the crowd and started telling him I fell in love completely. He was talking to some big shots and tried to pull me away with a polite smile. Eventually, I knocked a waiter off his feet which made him fall on a buffet table, throwing all the snacks around.

My father was thinking of a punishment for me for over a month and decided to send me to a private college that only lets you leave it's territory during Christmas and summer vacation. "You'll have time to think about your behavior". All my complaints and objections were being rejected.

There were mostly trees and bushes on the college's territory. The road we were on wasn't asphalted, it looked more like a country road. The driver stopped at the main entrance. I got out of the car and took a look around. I saw a giant five-storey building, very different from a usual educational institution. Four giant columns in front of the entrance and wide stairway already amazed me with their beauty. I couldn't wait to look at what's inside but that was planned for later. Lessons are going on right now, it's the middle of October after all. 

The driver helped me take my luggage out from the trunk and drove away. I mentally thanked my dad for such a "talkative" driver. He didn't say a single word while we were driving no matter how hard I was trying to make him speak.

I looked around once again. I was standing on a small square nearby a fountain that was most likely not working. There were small paths starting at the place where I was standing and students were walking around. On the right, a few meters far from the main building there were the dormitories. I prayed for it to be at least adequate for living in it. I grew up in a rich family so my claims were quite specific. One thing that was cheering me up is that, according to the internet, the majority of the students here were toffs. Like me.

Another car stopped near the place where my "taxi" had dropped me a few minutes ago. The door opened and a familiar body fell out of it. My best friend.

"Scottyyyyy!" - he raced up to me, full if joy, giving me a hand. As usual, he was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a "favorite" white T-shirt, which he has thousands of. Long fringe was put in a manbun and he had a pair of brand sunglasses from a latest men collection on him. I've been fighting with a wish of cutting this damn fringe the heck off for a few months already, but he was reassuring me that this "hairstyle" was giving him confidence and girls liked it. 

"Didn't think you'd come today." I shaked Mitch's hand, grinning. "I'd do anything for my best friend! Even spend a year in this shi... amazing place!" He smiled widely showing his perfect white teeth.
A loud laugh came and his little sister got out from the car's back seat, cracking up.
"Oh yes, definitely, you should've seen how we were trying to yank him from the doorjamb. He wouldn't go!"

"Aha-ha-ha..." - he threw a killing glance at her. I didn't pay any attention to the quip because I knew he really agreed on spending a year in this college only because of me. His parents are just as rich as mine, we've known each other from the very childhood. Actually, he just wouldn't handle a year without my company.

"Well, what about going in and checking out our new home?" The brunette smiled winningly at a group of girls who were passing by, making them giggle shyly and flirty hide their gaze. And that's him all the way. "Let's go." I reply.

We picked up our bags and suitcases and led ourselves to the building, saying our goodbyes to Mitch's little sister. Walking one of the paths I came to a conclusion that it's not that bad here. Clean fresh air, grass, trees, benches... like a big park.

"So, any updates on searching for that pretty girl from the party?" He asked, fixing his glasses. I frowned. A sore subject. Since that evening I've been searching for any information about her but couldn't find any. I knew absolutely nothing about her, only her name. Her image was stuck inside my head and returned to me every night in my dreams. "Got zilch" I reply.

We reached the dormitories and stopped in front if the entrance, looking around stupidly. "And... what's next?" - Grassi tutted and stood in his favorite pose "king isn't glad", crossing his arms on his chest and putting the weight on one leg: "The head master was supposed to greet me. Us." I checked the time: "They're late".

I started examining the complex. A three-story building with one single entrance from this side, lots of big windows and a stairway, similar to the main building. No trash around, another foundain in front of the stairs and benches around it. I like order and tidiness, unlike Mitch, so this landscape was quite nice for me.

"Mr. Hoying?" I turned around and saw a woman in a formal suit and glasses heading towards us. She had her hair in a bun, formal black shoes on a short heel and a phone in her hand. All attributes of a busuness person. I even started feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Yes." I replied shortly. "Mrs. Right, head mistress." - she introduced herself, giving me a hand that I shaked politely. She glanced at Mitch:
"And you?.." "Mitch Grassi" He smiled, shaking her hand as well.
"Oh yes, your documents came yesterday. I was expecting you to come later."
"Managed to come today." Grassi shrugged innocently. "Fine." Mrs. Right nodded. "Step this way, I'm going to show you your block and your room."

She walked pass us and we had nothing to do but follow her. The dormitories' hall turned out to be surprisingly spacious and full of light. Some beige couches were placed by the walls, long corridors were all around us and just by looking at them I felt lost. We went on to a spiral staircase leading to the next floor. There was a similar hall on the second floor. We went to the right corridor and stopped at the very last door. Our of nowhere, Mrs. Right pulled out two keys and opened the door with one of them. The block wasn't too big, with a brown couch, a TV and a kitchen.

"Each block has two rooms in it," She explained, "Each room has a separate restroom and a shower room." I whistled.
"Your neighbors are students from your year, Rick Miller and Casey Davis. They live over there," She pointed to a door on the right and turned back to us. "Your room is one the left. Here are the keys. Mr. Grassi, please visit the governor's office tomorrow to get your bed set. It's on the first floor."

"There is a governor here?" I almost choked. They're going to WATCH us?
"He's on duty once a week." She explained. I sighed in relief. At least something.
"Well, make yourselves. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow morning at 8 AM in front of the main building. Goodbye."

She smiled with restraint and left. Me and Mitch looked over and simultaneously twirled at a temple. "She's quite a lady" He commented, taking the key from me and opening the room. He quickly took a bed beside the window leaving me with the one next to the wall. I pushed the suitcase under it and dropped the bag, rubbing my numb shoulder. Mitch started unpacking his stuff, throwing it one by one into an open closet on his side.

I fell on my bed and closed my eyes. A familiar face framed by straight dark hair instantly showed up in my head. Cataleya...
She was giving me a hand and calling me by name, just like in the dream I had the night before. I warded off the haunting and sat up. Mitch was done with taking clothes out of his bags and shoved them under his bed.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"In general or today?"

"In general."

"I don't know about you," he smiled, "But I'm planning on having some nice hangout!"


Hello everyone and here is part 2/31

Hope you liked it and are excited for what's to come.

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