4. Sit down, let's get to know each other.

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I apologize for being absent for do long 

In apology I translated this whole chapter in one take last night (went to sleep at 4 AM but I just felt really bad for being off wattpad for so long).

 Might start translating chapter 5 today😉. 

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Stevie didn't react to my presence in any way, still sitting calmly, swinging her leg relaxed. I sat nearby. 

"Hi," No reaction. "I... just saw you here and thought..." 

 "No need in company." She replied slowly, releasing smoke from her mouth. 

"Listen, I just wanted to get to know you, i didn't mean to impose" 

"You're already doing it". I silenced, pursing my lips, irritated, and watching her throw away a roach and pull out a new cigarette immediately. And this self-righteous girl could be the life of the party? For a moment do I believe! 

I already wanted to sass her back but softened up, remembering what she had to go through. 

"Well, Stevie, sorry for bothering you." I got up and headed back to the college.

"Wait, stop!" She called me. I turned around.
"Sit down, let's get to know each other." 

Keeping myself from grinning I returned to the bench. The brunette narrowed her eyes at me but didn't say a word. I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"What?" I asked. 

 "Nothing." she replied. 

"What are you looking at then?" 

 "Just want to." 

 Stevie could instantly find what to say with no struggle. She got lights in her eyes, her lips formed a little smile and for a second in those small movements I could see that life loving girl Casey told me about. 

"I suppose you've already been told about me." She said taking another drag from her cigarette. 

"Well... just a bit." 

She laughed: "You just aren't capable of lying, Scott, your hesitations are giving you away." I grinned understanding she was right. 

"You're the second person who I can't fool. Mitch always catches me. Wait a second, how do you know my..." 

 "Heard quite a lot about your daddy."

"Oh, yes..." "So, Scott Hoying, what were your intentions when you decided to come up to me?" 

 I got all confused, not expecting such a question. "I had none," I shrugged. "Just saw you and came. I didn't even think of anything at that moment." 

She furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief as if she was deciding whether to trust me or not. I waited for her decision silently. "Well, fine," She said finally, "You don't..." 

"Hey Steve!" We both turned to the guy who was passing by. It turned out to be that broad-shouldered guy who already got quite a bad reputation in my eyes, "Hitting on the newbie? What would Deucie say to that? Wanna lay with me too then?" 

I was totally taken aback when I heard that and got itchy fists, wanting to punch this jackass in the face. I looked at the girl. Everything instantly faded from her eyes, she was looking at him with an empty gaze. I got scared, it was the first time I've ever seen something like that. I expected to see pain or hate in them but there was just no-thi-ng. 

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