6. This year I have a plan!

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On the next day (day X as I named it myself) started straight from waiting for the evening. I had no idea of how was Kirstie going to pull this off, there are dozens of teachers here! They aren't likely to be happy about such... procedure. 

I slept throughout the whole first class so I came to lunch chipper and a bit messy as if I just woke up. Casey and Rick were already sitting at out our favorite table. When they saw me approach they laughed out loud. I looked at them in confusion. 


"You have shapes of a pen and your notebook imprinted on your cheek." Turned out that Mitch didn't tell me anything so there was more effect. 

I was extremely disappointed when I realized I had to go get food because the line was just as big as always. I remembered the first day where Eve helped us. Now I see her all the time in class and in the hall, she keeps flirting with me not understanding that I don't care about her at all. But now her appearance with food in her hands would be perfect. 

"Boys, are you on a diet?" I turned around to the owner of a familiar voice. Kirstie and Stevie were heading towards us and had tons of different food. I mentally thanked God for such a happiness as these two. 

"Kinda." Grassi replied, but a growl in his stomach proved him wrong. His face lit up again when he saw the blonde girl and I understood perfectly that he caught a huge crush on her and wished him luck. 

Kirstie laughed and pushed her tray closer to him. He purred gratefully. No, I'm serious, he can purr just like a cat and that's a sign of real affection to the person. He only used to do it with me and his parents. 

Stevie sat between me and her friend, bit didn't share any food and got a hit upside the head for that. Not from me. 

"Do I have to rehabilitate you again?" Kirstie grumbled. The brunette sniffed and pushed her meal towards me. 

"I'm just showing off. You gotta hold your reputation!" I grinned and started eating. 

Kirst talked excitedly about the upcoming event, I was surprised by her ability to eat and talk at the same time. Rick was slowly sliding down under the table and the blonde reacted to that immediately: "What, remembering the last time?" The guy blushed. I even stopped my meal and started at her, waiting for explanations. 

"What?" She shrugged innocently, "Rick was the star of the night: danced half naked on a table and was shouting such things that..." 

"No, please." He asked quietly, his face even more red. Me and Mitch laughed together, imagining such a scene. Lunch was very fun thanks to Kirstie, I already couldn't imagine how would it be without her and didn't remember how it was before she came. 

Stevie was silent the whole time and didn't even take a bite if her food. I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear: "Are you okay?" She nodded. I didn't believe her but didn't wanna annoy her with questions. 

After lunch we all went to a fountain. Kirstie wouldn't stop chattering but somehow her chatter wasn't annoying at all. Mitch followed her every step and was literally blowing up at her, but I didn't notice any reaction from her. She wasn't pushing him away but also didn't accept all those actions towards her. 

Casey only shook his head desperately, looking at all the effort Mitch was giving. I gave him a nod asking about what was wrong. 

"He will soon find out and understand himself." The red headed guy answered. I didn't understand anything. Is something wrong with Kirstie? What is Mitch supposed to find out? 

Find MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora