8. Drunken confessions

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Sorry for this chapter taking me so long. I spent 4 days on translating and editing it, it's very big, emotional and filled with actions.
I'll try to make a double tonight (the next two chapters are also ones of my favorites and as one famous author here says, shit goes DOWN in chapter 10.)

!!!! TW: mental illnesses, self harm, blood (not that much but it's still there)

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Something absolutely crazy started happening all around me. Kirstie jumped to us with a bottle of wine and started literally pouring it into us, shouting 'On the house!' The music caught me soon, I started dancing to an unknown melody, letting my body relax. 

Mitch was preforming something unreal on the dancefloor causing all girls scream in delight, amazed by a guy who can move like that. 

Maldonado laughed joyfully and joined him, soon a whole lot if people surrounded them. I pulled Stevie from the bar and dragged her to our friends. She finished a shot of some hard drink on the move, put her hands up and started dancing too. 

I've never had such fun before. The music on my father's events was usually not bad but it definitely didn't drive me that much. All people there were from 'high society' and all their dance was stepping on one place which always made me laugh quietly in the corner. 

But here everybody were going crazy, someone already stood on the table (which also appeared out of nowhere) and danced. Only after watching them for a few minutes I realized that was Kirstie. The blonde wasn't ashamed of the fact that the only things she had on were a long men's tee and heels. 

Alcohol stroke my head, because of that, all that surrounded me looked even more fun and cool. Stevie pulled me out to the dance floor, turned her back and started slowly going down, pressing her body to mine. I didn't hesitate and put my hands on her hips, showing that I'm not against such intimate dances. 

The next song began and she climbed on the table with her friend. The two started doing such kind of things, that the shouting from all sides increased. Yes, girls can allow themselves do a lot with each other. After a little hesitation Mirch climbed on the table (almost fell down, but I was there to push him back). He joined them and Stevie came down on the floor with a sly smirk, continuing to dance, letting herself go more and more, I was feeling a bit muggy but still out of reality. 

After a few long minutes of wild dancing I came up to Casey, who was sitting on a couch with some girl, unknown to me, both already really drunk. I took an unfinished bottle of whiskey from his hands and drank it in one shot. The drink didn't keep itself waiting too long and soon all the room became colorful circles and sparkles, I barely understood where I was, but was stubbornly giving my all soul to the music. 

Suddenly I felt someone's hips grind on me again. My mind decided that was just an very drunk Stevie so I pressed her body closer to mine. Believe it or not but I already became attached to this girl. But there were no feelings, the brunette was like a sister to me. I couldn't imagine her as any other role. 

The girl turned to me and put her hands around my neck. Suddenly our lips connected. You know, my reaction gets pretty much worse when I'm drunk so I didn't even get to think before kissing her back. Her hands pulled my hair tight, she definitely wanted more than just a kiss. I didn't understand a thing, isn't she still beating herself up about Deuce? What happened?

"Hey, animal, get outta here!" That was Steve's voice. Hold on. If I can hear it, I'm most definitely kissing somebody else. I stepped away and saw an oval face with half closed eyes and a smirk. That turned out to be Eve. I but my lip and cursed silently, trying to gently push her away, but she kept on holding onto me. 

Steve appeared at the right moment to help - she grabbed the arrogant girl's elbow, literally pushed her away from me and hissed angrily: 

"Don't come close to him, got it?" 

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