10. Concert

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1) Mirstie

2) shit goes DOWN

3) plot twist 😈 😈 😈


5) I've given you enough spoilers so now go on and enjoy the chapter!

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"Hey, are you planning on sleeping your whole life?" A pillow was thrown at me. I'm grateful that wasn't a shoe Hoying, there was once some unfortunate experience in high school... 

I opened my eyes and sat carefully. Scott was picking up my clothes with a smirk on his face and putting them in my closet. Such a housewife... 

I looked at the clock and realized that I slept through the whole day! After drinking another glass of water that was brought to me by my caring friend, I began styling my hair which was accompanied by Scott rolling his eyes at me as he always does. 

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Kirstie last night?" I narrowed my eyes. You think you got me Hoying? Not at all. I shrugged. 

"I don't know myself. And what happened between you and Stevie?" Get a strike back. 

"Nothing happened. And nothing will." 

I knew he wasn't lying. Scott isn't the one to give up on what he wants and from all the girls in the world only his mysterious stranger mattered to him. 

"That's why you ended up in her bed?" I raised my eyebrow, trying to figure out, why did this confirmed monogamist cross his own borders like that. 

"We were just talking and fell asleep." He wasn't embarrassed at all, that meant he was telling the truth. "Do you remember what Casey told us about her?" I nodded, slightly frowning. Even my ego was touched by that story, even though I didn't believe it entirely. It's too... unreal. 

"Stevie told me everything in details." My eyes grew wide: 

"So that's true?" 

"Absolutely. If you only saw her when she..." He sighed, "I'll tell you later, I'm still not done thinking about it. So, what's the thing with Kirstin?" 

I rolled my eyes at how 'talented' he is at changing the topic. "I've already told you, I don't know yet. But I'm going to find out. Are you going to the concert?" 

"Me and Stevie wanted to..." 

"Oh, there is already 'me and Stevie' ?" I laughed and fell down which was caused by a push in my shoulder. "Okay, okay I'm kidding." 

"WE will come there but closer to the end." Scott stood up, "Also WE wanted to organize a picnic today and invite you and Kirstie, but if WE are so annoying to the King Grassi, WE won't be surprised by a denial." I bursted out laughing already an the first 'WE' so by the end if his speech I was already somewhere under the table. Scott laughed after me - he could never stay serious when I started dying laughing like that. 

The door opened slightly and Casey's head appeared. He watched us for quite a long time making us laugh even more. Out stomachs already hurt when he finally decided to come in. 

"We don't bite, you could come in earlier." Scott wiles away tears, giggling. ,"I was trying to understand what are you two high on." He grinned. "Is anybody going to the concert?" I raised my hand not being able to talk yet. Casey said he'll be waiting in the kitchen and left, gazing at us suspiciously. 

I opened my wardrobe and started snooping through my clothes trying to fund something that fits the event. The shirt was next to the further wall, I decided to not take out all my stuff but pull it out by a sleeve. As a result all my clothes that Scott folded so carefully on the shelves, ended up on the floor. I looked at Scott with guilt in my eyes. 

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