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Song recommendation: /

Jungkook Pov
I woke up and tried to stand up but fell immediately back into the bad.
I let out a loud groan...my whole body was aching from last night. I still couldn't really remember what happened.
My hand went to my lips slowly brushing over them.
The only thing I put together was that I kissed some random dude and then passed out.
I was thankful that Namjoon brought me home but still was mad at him for bringing me at that stupid party. I closed my eyes...the light shining bright outside my window. I was slowly falling asleep as the loud ringing of my phone woke me.
I still had my eyes closed and reached for the phone, which was on the drawer next to my bed. Instead of grabbing my phone I pushed my clock, it fell on the floor and made hell of a noise making my head hurt.
I just sighed and grabbed my phone answering it:
"Yes Jungkook? Your late to work, but I imagined that you had a hangover and would like to stay at home right?"
"Oh fuck! I'm really sorry Nam I totally forgot about work."
"Don't worry...get well soon!"
I heard him chuckle on the other side of the phone and just hung up.
Lying on my bed, feeling the warmth of the sheets, I thought about last night.

Why did I like it that much?

Jimin pov
I woke up early today...everything was different from the other Mondays...I was in my own bed, nobody was sleeping next to me and I wasn't late.
I got up, changed into my school uniform and this time took time to fix my hair nicely, put my lipgloss and cherry cologne on.

Time skip (after school)
I was kinda exhausted but I still had the first volleyball practice of the year and I didn't want to miss it.
I stepped into the gym were my lesson took place. I looked at the signs on the walls and followed them to get to the boys restroom. I opened the door and actually expected to be one of the first but was wrong.
The whole team was already there.
I looked down and went to a empty place to put my stuff down.
One of the team members who sat next to me said: "hey don't worry if your late...your sports uniform is in locker number 13." I nodded and went up to the locker.
I tried the uniform and immediately noticed that it was way to big.  "Hey sorry could someone bring my another uniform this ones way to big!" there was silence then someone spoke: "Don't care boy, try to make it fit"
I furrowed my eyebrows and went up to the guy that spoke: "and you are?"
"I'm Seokjin, I'm the team captain"
"Ok mister Captain could you care bringing me another uniform!?" I spoke angrily.
"Ahhh...calm down little one I'll bring you one!" He said and left with my uniform.

After a few minutes he came back with a new uniform.
I muttered a thank you and tried it on.
It fitted perfectly and I look into the mirror.
I turned around and then notice that my butt was showing way to much.
I tried pulling it down but it didn't really work. I tried again but again it didn't work.
I sigh and leaned onto the sink.
I had to change it again but I didn't have the courage to ask. I was really confident but that guy scared me.
"Come on let's go!" Seokjin screamed from the other room.
I just pulled the pants down and ran out.

Practice began and the captain told us to do a match.
I was really uncomfortable...and I had to adjust my pants every 2 seconds. Even tho I played volleyball since I was little I missed every ball.
My teammates gave me nasty looks every time.
I was trying to catch the ball for the hundredth time when some slapped my butt: "Baby boy try concentrating on the game!"
I just turned around and let the ball fall beside me. I looked at him.
"Did I give you the permission to touch my butt?!"
"Haha if you wear pants like that you surely want to draw attention...so I didn't think you would have minded being touched." He chuckled and slapped my butt again this time almost grabbing it.
My eyes were filling with tears...
"Hey you two stop!" Seokjin shouted.
My fist clenched and my vision got blurry.
"What now you gonna cry baby..."
That was the last straw a tear slipped from my eye and my mind went numb.
I went up to him grabbed him and punched him as hard as I could.
He fell onto the floor, but I immediately felt some hands grab onto me.
I just shook them away...I couldn't feel anything...anger was just building up inside of me. I kneeled onto the guy, grabbed him by the collar and punched again. He began to bleed.
But that didn't stop me...I punched again...and again...and again...till someone grabbed my arm and pushed me.
That poor guy was totally ruined.
I tried getting up, slipped and fell but got up again and ran crying to the restroom!
I washed my hands trying to get all the blood off of me...I hate blood.
In the hurry to wash my hands I didn't notice someone entering the room.
When I noticed him in the mirror I turned around scared.
My vision was still blurry  so I didn't recognize him.
I stumbled back while he came near me.
"Hey hey don't worry it's ok...come here."
He opened his arms and engulfed me into a hug. I couldn't hold it anymore and just broke down. My whole body shaking and tears streaming down my face.
"Shhh it's ok...Jin Hyung is here." He said while rubbing my back.
"I'll get you a new uniform but you have to promise that it won't happen ever again!"
I just sobbed and nodded: "I-I'm sorry..."
"Don't worry...and also...I never really catched your name?"
I muttered a smoll: "Jimin."
I squeezed my arms harder around my Hyung and smiled a little.
Hello! Here some Jinmin☺️
This was a really long chapter but I hope you enjoyed it🥺
Next chapters will be more Vmon I hope you don't mind.
Comments and votes always make me happy...thank you❤️

Eat and drink smt
Stay healthy🥺
~Love Asja🐿

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