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{Chapter Forty: The Family Home or an Inferno? James is Thrown in Either Way}

MARCUS IS CONFLICTED BETWEEN FEELING FURIOUS and confused after the ridiculous retell about what occurred during his one day of absence (which he still does not regret because his pay stub came in with two extra zeros more than usual), and how his daughter not being expelled had turned into a meeting with a boy she liked.

He had to give it to the Diablo women; they always were known for making his blood boil.

He fidgets with his cuffs again (a nervous habit since he'd put on the navy polo long sleeve), conscious of the fact that a thirty minute debrief in over breakfast that some boy (gentleman, Maria had said sardonically) would be coming, half-past six.

Isn't there supposed to be at least a week-long cooling period before this sort of stuff is supposed to be mentioned? Because he sure as hell didn't schedule in a hazing period for his Saturday evening about a boy he didn't even know about.

"Give me the rundown again," Janice's dad says, sulking. He tucks a longer piece of his slicked back hair behind his ear as he eyes down his eldest son, who looks tired from being barraged by a cluster of questions.

Karlo's eyes darts from the ceiling to the countertop of the kitchen they wait in as Janice gets ready. For the tenth time for the evening, he curses himself for drawing the short stick between all three of the guys and having to deal with his clearly less-than-excited dad whereas the twins were in favour of hanging around the back with their Uncle Shawn and company to work on the BBQ skewers.

Are they doing placing bets on whether Janice or James would be confessing today first instead of glazing the meat like they're meant to? Karlo doesn't doubt it.

Karlo's sure even Aunt Maria has a pool in there.

"Dad," Karlo starts slowly. "All you need to know is he's six foot tall and Janice still wears the pants in their relationship."

(James would probably wear a skirt just to show off his legs, if anything).

"So they are in a relationship?"

"That..." Karlo trails. "... is a good question. Sadly, they can't tell you. I can't tell you. But if today goes well then that's basically what the entire plot of this narrative is supposed to add up to. Granted, would've been more helpful for the slow burn if it was within the first ten chapters of their friendship but hey? You can't rush good things."

Marcus pinches the top of his nose. Why did his son have to talk in circles? Why couldn't things be straight and clear-cut? "You have lost me. Again."

"Janice had her verbal diarrhea about this already and I am way too hungry to pretend I have the energy to give another love confession about the guy," his son says, shrugging. "Look. He's great for her. He listens, he doesn't skimp on his words to tell her off or keep her chained to things. She's free but he also keeps her grounded from what I can tell." His voice turns softer. "She glows with him, dad. If Aunt Maria could tell within the first twenty minutes after meeting him and noticing, then you really don't have to worry about."

His dad scoffs at that. "The first boy your Aunt Maria brought home didn't even bother to put on a shirt before your grandmama threw her own sandals so hard at his back running out the front door that there's probably still a dent in his spine. Forgive me if I somehow have doubts. Could be that no one decided to tell me there was any sort of development."

Karlo winces. "Ouch. TMI. And it's not like I expected this to go on for so long!"

"Long?" Marcus raises an eyebrow. "I heard that this has been a recent development. Where exactly did these two even meet?"

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