I Decided To Stop Naming Chapters 'Shivers'

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Pansy's PoV

I pulled out my phone to check my latest strand of messages from Hermione.

 Anonymous: I don't know what to say!

Anonymous: I didn't realise you cared about me that much.

Anonymous: You know, I'm kind of surprised that you haven't figured out who I am yet.

Anonymous: I haven't been exactly discreet.

At this I burst out laughing. Time to accelerate Hermione's confusion.

Pansy renamed 'Anonymous' to "Who the heck are you"

Pansy: Hint? of any sort, you choose, I don't mind.

Pansy: Actually, what's your favourite place to hang out?

Who the heck are you: The library

Pansy: Can you be more specific?

Who the heck are you: Nope.

Pansy: Well that doesn't help at all.

I grinned. This was all going perfectly to plan.

Hermione's PoV

I almost burst out laughing. how could anyone be THIS obliious to anything! I gave her hints upon hints and literally told the whole Great Hall that I was bisexual, but no! SHe still has no clue who I am!

Who the heck are you: You might begin to wish that you's been at lunch.

Who the heck are you: In fact, has no-one told you what happened?

Pansy: No. What happened?

Who the heck are you: That's for me and the rest of the school to know and for you to never find out

Pansy: I will make you tell me!

Who the heck are you: And how're you going to do that when you don't know who I am?

Pansy: You realise Luna is my roommate right?

Pansy: And luna is like the most perceptive person I know

Pansy: heck, she knew I was lesbian before even I did!

Who the heck are you: Luna knows who I am. She's part of this plan, and will never tell you.

Pansy: Dang

At this I heard a booming voice echoing through the halls. it was McGonagall's voice, saying "All eighth years please come to the library. Immediately."

I got up and started making my way to the library, mulling over what I should do when Pansy inevitably finds out.


We were all settled onto beanbags, armchairs, and even one Ravenclaw was in a hammock, listening to McGonagall speak.

"You, the eighth years of our school, are the highest students ever to be here. When you take your exams, I expect ALL of you to pass. Also, as some of you are acutely aware, we are coming up to first anniversary of Voldemort's defeat," at this I glanced sympathetically at Harry, who was hugging Ginny with all his might, still trying to force back the shadows of the war, "And we are holding a memorial ball. This is a formal event, all dresses must be below the knee and dress robes must be either green, black, dark purple, blue or maroon. This is a partner event, and I expect all of you will be capable of finding a partner. As for the matter of sexuality, if you would like, there are badges available from the staff room, or you can just tell people as they ask you. As for dancing lessons or mental health, please see Professor Henderson. That will be all for now."

As we walked off, I bumped into Pansy on the way out, and heard her talking none too quietly to Draco.

"Dray, do you think I should ask them out to the ball? I mean, I've liked them for years now, and there isn't any reason not to. I could even do it anonymously..."

I stopped dead in my tracks, Pansy lilting voice and all other noises fading into white noise. My heart gave a lurch, my stomach following suit. I felt the telltale prickle behind my eyes, and walked off to the nearest bathroom, keeping my head straight as I tried to fake being okay for long enough to make it to a stall.

 I locked the chipped Laminex behind me and cast a Muffliato charm on the stall. Only once I had sat down on the toilet, lid still shut, did I break down.

A/N Yeah, yeah, I know, it was short and a cliffhanger, but I have three reasons for you

1. Guess who had Writer's block????

2. We haven't had a cliffhanger in like, two WHOLE chapters.

3. I'm just mean I guess.

 QOTD: What's the coolest science experiment you've ever done?

Please leave questions for me to answer on my special 2.5k reads Q&A either here or on my profile (i put an announcement up recently which you can reply to)

I will give shout-outs to who asked teh questions and I will check out your books (if you have any.


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