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[a/n: woa 5oth chapter🤭]

days and weeks have gone by, and haeyoung finally felt like she found her place again. she felt happier than before, with the help of her friends... and family.

she also felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders after finally having enough money to pay for her pending rents and bills, after all these months. it felt like haeyoung started to return to her old self, before everything went downhill.

it was the month of april, and along with autumn, haeyoung's favorite season; spring. she just loved the scent of refreshing flowers around her, the warm spring breeze blowing on her skin, and the colorful, uphill days that replaced the cold, dry, nights of the winter.

in addition to that, it's also haeyoung's favorite month since april had a three day sports festival their school held annually, in which they'd have three days of doing activities related to sports and exercise in general. it meant no academics for three days, just pure enjoyment while doing these activities.

whether it was an actual sport or just a fun game requiring body activity, haeyoung enjoyed those days since she enjoys moving her body and being active in general.

"oh my god, oh my god," wonjin said. "one week left until the sports festival!"

"i know, right?! i'm so excited!" haeyoung said, giving wonjin a high-five.

"sports festival?" dongpyo asked, confused at why the two were so happy.

"oh, almost forgot you were a newbie." wonjin said, making dongpyo pout. he explained what the sports festival was, and dongpyo's excitement also grew similarly to wonjin and haeyoung.

"wow, that's so cool!" dongpyo said. "we didn't have that in my old school."

"yeah, well, your old school is boring." haeyoung said. "oh, and also, you have to choose activities for the sports festival."

"mhm." wonjin hummed, nodding.

"what do you mean?" dongpyo asked.

"the first day is gonna be the 'chill' day, since it's just basically all games, not sports." haeyoung explained. "you'd have to pick a game or two to play for the whole day, and then once you're done with the three of them, you can do whatever you want until dismissal, 3PM."

"oh, all right. what can you choose from?"

"well, it varies every year, but i always pick the sack game, you know, the one that you go in a sack and then jump until the finish line."

"oh, cool!" dongpyo said.

"yeah, anyway," wonjin said. "on the second and third day, it's the actual sports. like basketball, volleyball, and others. oh, and there's also a two-hundred meter race around our field."

"that sounds so fun."

"it is," haeyoung said, "you can choose whatever sport you want and how many sports you want to play for the other two days. i always choose basketball, and then that's what i play for the whole two days."

"all right." dongpyo said. "are we going against other classes?"

"yeah! time last year, wonjin and i weren't close yet, and we both went against each other on the sack game on the first day." haeyoung said, then burst out laughing. "dongpyo, if you were there, you would die from laughter. he tripped on the sack and fell on the ground, but in a really funny way. our class won because of him."

dongpyo laughed, but wonjin just pouted and crossed his arms. "you really had to say that, huh, hae? that isn't funny." he playfully said, making the two laugh even more.

they continued chatting and laughing about random things for a few more minutes, and then eunsang came.

"hey, guys!" eunsang said. "sorry i'm late, i had a short meeting with the council regarding the sports festival."

"yeah, we were talking about that just now." haeyoung said. "what are you gonna choose?"

"me? maybe i'll pick the two-hundred meter race."

"ooh, eunsang, cool boy!" wonjin said.

eunsang chuckled. "how about you, wonjin? have any sports in mind?"

"i don't know, maybe volleyball." he replied. "all i know is that i don't wanna pick the sack race on the first day, i'm traumatized of what happened last year."

haeyoung snorted, holding back her laugh. eunsang recalled the moment, and slightly laughed as well.

"yeah, i remember that." eunsang said.

"aw, i wish i was there." dongpyo said. "i would've teased wonjin for the rest of his life if i saw that."

they all laughed, except wonjin, who just had a pout on his face. "you're all so mean."

"we know, wonjin." haeyoung said, then continued laughing and having a great time with her friends.

finally, it was the week everyone was waiting for. everyone, including the not so active people, enjoyed the sports festival, mostly because of no academics for three days.

everyone was wearing their colorful class shirts and their P.E. sweatpants, tumblers with cool water filled to the brim held in their hands. one of haeyoung's classmates even brought a cooler full of drinks for the whole class.

the sports festival hasn't started yet, and all the students were enjoying their free time outside the school building and in the field, enjoying the spring breeze. haeyoung was hanging out with her friends for the meantime, conversing about random things.

"aw, i really like the color of your shirt." dongpyo said to haeyoung and eunsang. their class shirts were purple, along with their class numbers and their section number written on the back. wonjin and dongpyo's were in a bright pink, suiting the spring mood.

"hey, yours is nice, too." haeyoung said.

"i don't really like pink, though." wonjin said. "our class president really likes pink, so she chose that."

"really? i had to get the favor of the whole class to choose purple as our color." eunsang said, haeyoung nodding in agreement. "let me tell you, it wasn't easy."

"well, you're a nice boy, eunsang. our class president... ehh, she isn't so." wonjin said, lowering his voice in the last part.

the four continued chatting, until their homeroom teachers made them go to their class' part of the field, since the festival was about to start.

"all right," the principal said on the microphone, "welcome to sports festival 2019! i'm sure all of you are excited, right, students?"

"yes!" the students replied.

the principal continued talking about the opening remarks before finally ending his speech.

"all right, that's all for my speech. students, are you ready for three days of fun?"


"very well. now, i'm glad to say, that sports festival 2019 has officially started!"

a few more chapters left!!1!!1

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