Part 3: A Dance and A Hug

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"So this app is full of people, right? Guess how many people have liked me so far? Go ahead, guess." He lays on my couch in my office and stares up at his phone. The last two days he has been attempting to use Tinder. At first, he wasn't swiping at all because he didn't want to make anyone feel bad: even if they weren't his type or if they seemed whacked out. He hasn't swiped right or left and has been stuck on one person because he refuses to make a decision.

"I don't know...half of New York?" The man didn't even know how to make the profile or fill out the bio section of what he likes and dislikes. I had to do it all for him. Granted, I know how he thinks and what he likes and doesn't: so it wasn't necessarily hard; just absolutely frustrating.

"50 people so far. 50 women want to go on dates with me. How is that possible?"

"I don't know, because you're nice and funny- cute- there's many reasons why anyone would swipe right on you." I blankly stare as I click away at my keyboard. "You act like it's hard to believe that you're highly attractive with a good personality."

He sits up and looks at me sideways.

"What?" I ask and never take my eyes off my monitor.

" think I'm highly attractive and have a great personality." Sighing, I look up at him and try my hardest not to blush.

"Yes...I also believe that you are interrupting my important paperwork right now with your silliness..."

"Hello, Dr. Sharpe...oh Max. I didn't expect to find you here as well."

"Karen Brantley, how can I help?" I ask and Max smiles and puts his phone in his pocket.

"Well, I'm glad you asked. You see, with Valentina Castro resigned we need a new Department Head for Oncology and Hematology." She comes off so grateful and appreciative. I'm kind still pissed at her for reprimanding me for doing an excellent job...despite being taken into custody for taking a patient to a safe injection sight.

"How's the search going?" I ask, playing it as if I'm uninterested in anything she has to say.

"Well, I'm actually here because the board wants you to take your position back, along with Deputy Medical Director." Glancing at her, I bite my tongue and force myself to be nice.

"Well, I'd be delighted to take my old position back."

"Perfect! You need to get started on the Kids Beating Cancer Gala that's being held tomorrow night. I already have the ballroom being set up, but I need is you to get the kids prepped with their speeches. Oh, I gotta go...Max, make sure you attend tomorrow. Medical Director needs to make his appearance as well. So brush off that tux of yours." She leaves without a second word or waiting for a response. Max looks at me and I just smirk to myself.

"Congratulations!" He happily says and I roll my eyes.

"She only gave me it back because no one else in the department wanted it. I heard that the last two days she had been asking everyone from Stauton to Niles about taking the positions. Everyone refused. So naturally she had to ask me as a last resort." I go back to typing and Max gets up and comes over: leaning against my desk, he looks down at me with crossed arms and a neutral face.

"Now hold on, why don't you see happy to have your positions back?"

"Max, she and the board don't believe in the work I do. They would rather have Laura Stauton, a doctor who drains the life out of her patients and has a low likability count, be Head of this department: than the person who had done it for nearly ten years and has everyone requesting their cases be handled through me. So it's not a victory on my end- it's a slap in the face." He pulls my chair out and spins it so I look at him.

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