Part 10: The Board Has Decided

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"I want him gone!" Max fumes in his office to Karen Brantley. She looks at him and disregards his anger before looking at me for some kind of explanation as if the one Max had given her isn't good enough.

"I'm sorry Max. Though his language is vulgar and the place in which he had spoke this way -is very inappropriate – I can't do anything about it because he was not the one to get physical." Karen, over the years has slowly become an ally to us here at the Dam, yet she still has her moments of being a stuck up, snooty bitch: who doesn't want to hear bad news.

"So you're telling me that it is perfectly fine that this new surgeon- speaks ill of one of our best doctors in this hospital: the head of Oncology and Deputy Medical Director for that matter: in front of patients and staff? That seems a little fucked up: even for you Brantley." Max goes off and Karen is becoming slightly more irritated by the second.

"Max, your lead nurse in your ED punched a doctor in the face and knocked him out. The Head of the Emergency Department, punched him in the face as well. And you just stood by and let it happen, and have done nothing about it but complain about the poor surgeon who had this done to him. You are lucky that he is not pressing charges for assault on both of these employees or you for your negligence!What do you want me to do? This looks bad on you Max- not him. You're allowing your employees to physically harm one another with no repercussions. What is wrong with you?"

Max paces his office and Karen just watches him. As I sit there and take all of this in, Karen looks at me with curious eyes.

"Helen, what would you have done in this scenario? Regardless of who was speaking ill of whom?" Me, bitch, he was speaking ill of me.

"If this was any other hospital with any other staff, I would have reprimanded the two who caused bodily harm. However the other person still wouldn't get off easy. They also would receive a punishment for their language and lack of restraint." I state and Max nods, agreeing with me. Karen Brantley, looks me up and down and then looks at Max.

"What would the punishment be for the two who caused bodily harm?"

"A minor suspension and a letter in their file stating that if it happens again on the grounds- that they will be terminated permanently." I state reasonably. Karen nods and asks another question.

"And what about the victim and agitator- who started the whole ordeal?" She asks and I have to answer unbiased- I know.

"If this was any other hospital with any other staff, he would also have a write up in his file with the knowledge that if it happened again- he would as well lose his position at said hospital." I state, even though I don't believe that's what should happen with Cassian. He needs to be fired.

"Last question for you- what would the punishment be for the medical director who didn't do his job properly?" My eyes widen and I look at Max and he looks back at me – I know he's wondering what I would do for a punishment against him for not doing "the appropriate job".

"I don't think there should be a punishment for the medical director." Brantley cocks her head to the side, because she knows that I'm only saying what I think I would want Max to hear. Personally I don't think Max did anything wrong, but I know Brantley won't accept that as an answer. Especially because of Max and mine's history and close relationship.

"Now now- this is any other hospital with any other staff as you've stated previously. So in that sense, as a deputy medical director, what would you have had done to the medical director-who failed to stop the situation from happening and/or failed to provide proper punishment to those involved." Both Brantley and Max stare me down intently. I feel my whole body heat up, and I don't know what I should say... But then again I do, speaking about this whole thing theoretically. "Come on now, Dr. Sharpe. We both know you have an opinion on this. With your extensive knowledge in the medical field and having had seen as many medical directors in this hospital as you have – you obviously will have an idea of how this should be handled professionally and appropriately."

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