Part 12: What To Do?

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My whole day has been shot.


By Cassian?!

Fuck me with an ice pick! I always wanted a baby. Yet, I didn't expect to actually get pregnant and by a
malevolent sociopath at that! If I thought my relationship with Max was rocky before- this will be the whole damn cliff land-sliding it's way into a deep abyss! What am I going to do? This is a complete and utter disaster! More importantly, do I tell Cassian at all? I mean he does sort of deserve to know.... It would be kind of suspicious if I was just magically pregnant and I never had sex with anyone else but him- at the moment. I don't know what I'm going to do. If Lauren was here, she would say have sex with someone and pretend it's theirs-so it doesn't have to be Cassian's. I can tell you right now, I can't pretend it's Max's , one because we haven't had sex yet – and if the baby comes out looking-oh I don't know-Korean!! I think everyone's going to know exactly what happened and who the father is. But, if I do tell Cassian, maybe he will tone down his behavior and help pay child-support at best. Not that I really want help from him, but hearing my mother's voice in my head, she is telling me that I need to tell him whether I want him to actually know or not.

Getting up out of my office chair, I make my way to the elevator. My feet carry me without any thought behind it- exactly where I'm going. When I get in the elevator, I press number six to head to trauma. This better not backfire in my face. Yet, I think we all know that it well. The whole ride up my mind is filled with worries, anger, and a bit of unknown joy? It's nice to know that I am pregnant-so I will get to be a mom. However, not the father I would've chose exactly. I would've literally taken anyone else. This is God smiting me for being absolutely insane and jealous. The doors open up. I making my way to Cassian's office, I think about exactly how I'm going to do this without him making a big scene. Getting to his door I pause for a moment, catch my breath, and then knock confidently. He opens the door in his face seems utterly surprised to see me here.

"Oh if it isn't the new medical director. How can I help?" He smirks maliciously as he uses Max's line on me. I try so hard not to roll my eyes and instead I give him a smile.

"May I come in and talk to you for a moment? It's rather important." Stepping away from the door he so I can come in. He gestures for me to take a seat which I do, but then I'm wondering if maybe I should stand just in case I need to flee.

"What can I help you with? You seem a little... Frazzled at the moment." He sits in his chair across from me and eyes me up and down. I feel my skin crawl and shiver as his eyes graze over my body. What am I doing here?

"Well, I found out this morning that I'm pregnant. You are the father." His face pails, if that's even possible. Looking at me suspiciously, I can tell he is starting to get angry from what I just said. His words that come next, only proves just how irritated he is by this news.

"It's not mine! You must've done something wrong."

"No! It is yours. Because you are the only man that I have slept with in the last three years."

"Then that only proves just how pathetic you really are in all of this." Shaking my head I look at him squarely in his eyes. He's really making me mad, but I know I need to stay calm and keep my wits about me.

"Regardless of what you think, this is your child. So what are we going to do?"

"Here's what you're going to do – you will be getting an abortion. I won't be a father to anyone- let this mistake. So you better schedule to have that done." His anger voice fills the room quickly. I can't believe he just said that. I know he's not a very nice guy, but you would've thought that he would've at least came up with some other kind of arrangement or solution.

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