Part 16: Inflitrate the Enemies Lair

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I expected Lauren to take some time before she jumped into messing around with Cassian's head. However, I should've known that she would jump right into it. As I'm walking into work this morning, I get a text from Lauren about Cassian.


I have a date with
dipshit tonight.


Well...that was fast.
How'd you manage that one?


It wasn't too hard.
I appeared upset
And vulnerable and he
swept right in like Prince
Charming and played the whole
gentlemen's act.

He asked me if I would go out
with him tonight: so he
could help me take my mind off
of my heartbreak.


Bahaha! What heartbreak
are you going through?


Well, I had to make it
juicy to catch his interest.
So I said that Max and I had
been sneaking around and
now that you and him are
a thing, my heart is


You used Max to bait him?
What if he starts his
shit at work and Max catches
word of it?


Then you'll cover my
tracks for me. Tell him
I'm doing the world a service.


I don't know about this.
He isn't stable Lauren.
Cassian is very smart and cunning.


And you're saying I'm


That's not what I'm saying
at all. I'm saying that Cassian
Can get you to believe and do
anything: even when you believe
you've made the decision yourself.


Duely noted.

I have to go.

I fill you in after the date.


Okay. Be safe!

I wonder what her plan of attack is going to be? Dinner? Fooling around? I wish she would have given me some kind of insight into all of this. I don't like not knowing- especially when it involves Cassian.

"Mama!! Morning!" I hear Luna running up behind me and as I turn, I see her trip. She falls face first and there's blood coming from her lip. Racing to her, I get there before Max. "Ahhhhhh!!!!!"

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