Part 4: 50 Dates: 1 Mistake

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In the last three weeks, Max somehow managed to go on 50 dates. Every single one ended with him telling me that he sort of liked this one or that one was obviously crazy. This one wore too much make up. That one was only in it for the free meal.
This one didn't like my job. That one didn't have a job and wasn't looking for one. This one was on drugs. That one catfished me into thinking she was a woman. This one- that one-this one-that one. By the end of it, I began to think it was hopeless for Max.

Until this happened.

"I found her!" He says barging into my office this morning.

"Oh...okay? Explain?" Not that I really care, but I'm trying to be accepting of his life choices.

"Her name's Alice and she has a two year old girl named Bobbie- she works in a department store and moonlights as a lounge singer. But- she is a widow. Lost her husband two years ago to drug abuse-which is sad- but we have quite a lot in common and she wants a second date!" He seems so excited and I have to force myself to smile. It's hard sitting back and listening to all his dates and listening about all the women and what each was like and what he liked or didn't like about each one.

50 women. Over 200 different things between them all. Yet I'm one and he doesn't notice a single thing about me.

"That's...that's great! I'm happy for you. So when's your next date?"

"Well, she wanted to do a play date with the girls: because Luna deserves to have a friend too. So we were going to get together Christmas around 2:00." What?! No!?

"Max, don't you think this is very soon to be introducing Luna to her. Don't you both think you should wait before the girls meet each other? What if it doesn't work out and you both confuse them?" His eyebrows furrow.

"It'll be fine. It's no different than if you and I hung out with Luna. It doesn't confuse her." You don't know that, Max. You don't know anything.

"That maybe true, but Max, you bring in a woman with another baby- this early into a relationship with Luna: I think it's going to be a mistake. I think you should wait and think about this logically..."

"Helen, first, I fail to see how one play date will mess my kid up and two: you said that Luna needs to experience everything. This is included in that."

"Yes, but Max, you only went on one date with her! You don't even know her and you want her to meet your daughter. This..."

"This, is none of your concern Helen. What I do with my daughter is my business. So mind your own." He walks out and leaves me in my chair: broken and upset. What the actual fuck is his issue? He said early on that he didn't want them to meet Luna until he was sure they would work out. Now he's yelling at me because I told him what I thought. Bullocks! Despite how I feel about him or not- this will mess with Luna. And I hate to say it, but he hasn't spent alone time with her in over three weeks, other than putting her to bed and getting her up and fed in the morning before work. I have done more for and with that child than he has in a very long time. I don't know what his rush is. I don't know why he needs to do this on Christmas? Can't he just spend time with his daughter? Can't he just love her for a bit, instead of bringing in another woman and child? Does he not understand how another baby- Luna's age- is going to deprive her of his affection? This is a mistake.

This is a mistake that someone's going to pay for and unfortunately: that someone will end up being Luna.

Well in two days, he'll figure it out.

***Lunch Time***

Sitting down at the table, Lauren comes up to me and makes a curious face. Earlier when I was helping in the E.D, Max had come in and wasn't speaking to me: Mature, I know. She took note of it- because Lauren has to make everyone else's business, her own.

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