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After everything that went on.

From Max arriving at the Dam.

All the way to the birth of our son.

There hasn't been a day that I haven't loved Max with all of my heart and soul. He took back Medical Director and I remained his deputy. We raised Luna and Eli and got married a year after everything had happened.

I still visit Ward B. I sit with the patients and chat about everything. I even sit in 4-H and do a puzzle every once in a while, while staring out at the Hudson. I feel him there. Mr. Martin. I feel him sitting across from me, smiling and watching me do a new puzzle. Each puzzle I complete, I glue, frame, and hang on the common room wall. The puzzles make the patients happy and happiness is a sign of living. No one is scared of Ward B. Not any more. We even take the kids up every once in a while so the patients can see them and play games. It's a different atmosphere altogether.

I don't think much about Cassian Shin these days. Even when I look at Eli, I don't see him there. He's the sweetest little boy in the world who has his Dad wrapped around his finger. I guess it's true what they say.

Everything happens for a reason.

Max is my reason.

The End.

Right HereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora