4. new horizons

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He pulled away quickly looking like he had just seen a ghost. 'God am I that bad of a kisser' you thought to yourself before he broke the very clearly awkward silence.

"Im sorry, that was completely inappropriate of me to do. Thank you for the pizza and company Y/N" he said while quickly standing and leaving the apartment.

You sat there in some sort of shock and confusion. The door shut behind him and you felt like you had just entered then left the twilight zone. You did the only logical thing you could think of. Scream into a pillow.

-The next morning -

You woke up and laid in bed with a slight headache and a daze of confusion on your mind. Did you really kiss Adam driver. Did your shitty kissing really send that man away. You shook your head in absolute disbelief at how stupid you were and pulled yourself out of bed. You went to walk to the kitchen but saw a white paper sticking out from under your front door. You picked it up bracing yourself for whatever was on this paper.

' Dear Y/N,

I am so sorry for my actions last night, between the drinking and being next to someone as beautiful as you, I got the best of myself. I hope you do not look at me as anything less then a gentleman and I understand if you wish to no longer pursue a potential friendship. But if by the graces of heaven you weren't disgusted by my actions last night, please text me at ***-***-****, id love to be friends and have contact with you.



You looked at the note in some sort of shock, the thought of him thinking he came onto you so strongly was shocking. You placed the note down and made yourself a drink. You had a job interview in four hours with a social networking company to be a manager for some upscale clients and make sure what they post was going to give them good publicity.

You put the drink down and went to take a shower. Your mind was full of what had happened last night. And what you had just read now. You pushed the thoughts out of your head and finished your routine. You put on a tan skirt and a white button down blazer, threw on a pair of tan heels and grabbed your bad and phone and left without realizing you hadn't put his number in your phone.

You left the building no problem and got into your car. You drove to the meeting and met with the owner of the establishment.

"Hi, I have a meeting with Joshua" you said to the woman at the desk.

"Hello, are you Y/N?" She asked and you nodded. she smiled "you can go in, he's waiting for you" you smiled and knocked on the large while door and saw a handsome man in a black suit standing.

"Oh you must be Y/N! Thank you for coming in!" He welcomed and walked to you, taking your hand and shaking it.

"No thank you for meeting with me" you said standing. You were not the type to sit unless offered as you felt it deemed unprofessional.

"Please, sit" he said and you complied sitting across from his desk.

"So looking over your resume and your schooling, im more than impressed. You have all the qualifications we are looking for as a new social marketing manager." He said gushing over the envelope he had on his desk and you smiled.

"Thank you very much, i love the idea of being able to boost a career through fan interaction" you smiled and he closed the envelope.

"Now lets get down to the nitty gritty, we will give you a few c-b list clients but we do encourage that you look out for some people who may have a large following but don't have social medias, such as twitter and instagram. Is this something you think you could go with?" He asked and you nodded.

"Yes I have a couple of connections that I could get into contact with to get more clients using the platforms." You said and his smile was large.

"Well, Miss. Y/N, welcome abroad!" He said extending a hand to you. You stood shaking it thanking him for this amazing opportunity and gave him the basic information he needed before leaving to go home.

The drive home was amazing as you felt you had been on top of the world. And then you remembered Adams note. 

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now