14. Well then

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You had made it home finally. You had dropped the flowers off at your mothers hotel, telling her how sorry you were about hurting her feelings and explaining that wasn't your point. She of course accepted your apology and you told her about everything that had gone down. And yet somehow this was only the beginning of the crazy night.

You were putting chicken in the oven when there was a knock at the door, or more to the point pounding on the door.

"I'm coming!" You yelled closing the oven and rushing over.

You opened the door to a pissed off Monica.

"Yes?" You asked, looking at her with confusion and she pushed past you into your apartment. You turned around in shock and closed the door.

"What do you think you're doing putting a damper on my relationship with Adam!" She yelled at you. You were confused beyond belief.

"I'm sorry? I'm doing no such thing. I manage his Instagram page, not his relationships. Why are you here?" You asked now pissed. This has already been a ridiculous day, and it didn't need to get any worse with an insurance woman.

"I know you are into Adam and I'm not okay with it. It's ridiculous that you think you can prance around MY man and not have consequences! Why hasn't my future husband posted me on his Instagram! Why are you hiding our relationship! YOU HOMEWRECKER!" She screamed running at you. You punched her in the face as she got too close to you and she fell to the floor.

"I have no fucking idea what your issue is, but you need to get the fuck out of my house before I call the damn cops and get a restraining order on you!" You screamed. Soon the door opened up with a loud bang and Adam was in the apartment.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked barging over time Monica holding her probably broken nose on the ground.

"Whoever she is to you, cane into my house yelling about how I manage your Instagram calling me a homewrecker and proceeded to lunge at me" you said looking at Adam pissed and he sighed so deeply.

"Monica for the love of Christ I told you we were over! I never wanted to be with you in the first place why did you do this! Y/N does not have a romantic relationship with me and your fucking psychotic! This is why we are never getting back together! Now get up I'm taking you to the doctor" he demanded and she got up in tears. He turned to look at you.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry this happened. It will never happen again. I'll come stop by in a few hours and explain everything" he said. You nodded and locked the door behind them. You could hear Adam screaming at her at the top of his lungs.

Oh my god hi guys! So I know I haven't been able to post but my account was hacked, it's been taking me a second to get it back but If you're reading this then that means I got my account figured out! Thanks for being patient with me through this! ❤️❤️

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now