15. Talking

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You didn't know how to feel after everything had happened. You were confused and lost and honestly pissed.

An hour had passed and you were sitting on your couch when you heard his knock. You got up taking a deep breath and let him in. He stayed silent for a second while walking to your couch together.

"I'm sorry Y/N" he said looking at you with pleading eyes. You laughed.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You're not the crazy one, Monica is. But if I can ask, what the hell was that? And why was she accusing me?" You asked, lifting your knee to your chest, looking him in the eye.

He took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "She found out we had shared a kiss. She's extremely jealous. Over the last few days she's been having me followed, and it just so happened to have caught what we were doing in the flower shop. Which sent her over the edge. I broke up with her the day before because I couldn't take it. She had been going through my phone scrolling through my messages, it was all just toxic. I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry this was brought to you" he said looking defeated. You felt so sad, so you got up and sat closer to him. Leaning your head on his shoulder trying to show him it's okay.

"No you don't have to apologize. She's insane, clearly. You are a client when it comes to work and a friend outside of work. I'm convinced she's probably just upset we have a friendship while she doesn't have that." You said lifting your head and smiling at him. He chuckled.

"You're right, she is jealous of our business together and our friendship." He said giving you a soft smile.

"Do you want to watch a movie and relax?" You asked grabbing the remote.

"I'd love that." He desponded.

You put on a simple romcom and you both laughed about the movie. You had found yourselves covered in a blanket, practically cuddling each other. It felt right.

You had watched 3 different movies at this point and nothing could have been better. The last movie ended and you looked at him smiling. You both held the gaze of each other for a second. He slowly started to lean in and so did you. And suddenly your lips had touched. Not like the first time. This time it felt more natural. More meant to happen.

Your lips moved in sync and his large hands found there way around your waist. His tongue brushed the bottom of your lip asking for entrance and you opened. Your lips moved perfectly together and you then felt your body being moved onto his lap. Things where getting more heated, more passionate. And you were soon being picked up and being led to your room.

"Is this okay?" He asked looking you in the eyes.

You thought about it for a second. Is this something you wanted?


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