23. Dinner

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~arias pov~

"God what is taking them so long"  I began to say, Burt right after the words fell out of my mouth they came down the stairs.

"Gosh don't you two just make the perfect couple!" Her mother said, going and embracing Adam and her.

"They make me sick. Trying to pretend they are all that and a bag of chips" Kay whispered to me. I nodded in agreement and smiled once they looked over. I still didn't understand why Kay had so much hate for her, and he didn't understand why I too hated her the same.

{flashback to 10th grade}

"Aria!!" Y/n came running at me from down the hall, flailing a note in her hand like an idiot.

I smiled at her brightly wondering what she was so excited about. "Gosh what is it!? Did you finally get your grade up?"

She laughed coming to a stop and handing me the note. On it was 'will you go to prom with me?' 

"Oh my gosh! Did josh finally ask you to prom!?" I almost screamed from excitement. She shook her head on the verge of screaming.

"No! Even better!! Kay did!!" She squealed in Delight and my heart dropped to my chest. Kay had been my crush since the 4th grade. y/n could have anyone she wanted. Hell half the school wanted her to be hers anyway. But why Kay. She liked josh. She had been IN LOVE with josh since the 8th grade formal.

"AHHH! Oh my gosh that's so exciting!!" I said back, moving my books to my other hand. She squeezed me when she hugged me and went to find Clara, her cousin. I just sat there leaned against the lockers watching her flaunt away. I never told her how much I liked Kay, or loved for this matter, but it should have been obvious. She knew I had heart eyes for him. What kind of a friend does that! What kind of friend just doesn't double check with there best friend about who they go to the dance with.

~ 3 weeks later~
Me and y/n have been talking, but not as much. I was finally able to tell her how I felt about him. And expose my true feelings. I walked over to her house and walked in. Her family considered me family so it was nothing new. I took my shoes off and walked into her room, seeing her on the phone with someone. A big smile on her face.

"Okay! Okay, perfect! See you Tomorrow" she said before hanging up and falling face first into a pillow.

"What?" I asked laughing, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Kay asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes! We are going on our first date tomorrow!" She said. I zoned out not Hearing a single thing she said after that. I promised myself that from that point on, I wasn't going tell her how Kay made me feel.

{end of flashback}

I snapped out of my thought as we were being escorted to the cars. We drove silently to the restaurant, awkward for me. I wondered if everyone else felt that way.

We arrived shortly, being escorted to the top floor for dinner. Only the best for when little miss perfect comes home. We all sat down and ordered. Drinking wine and sharing story's. Before the meal came y/n spoke up.

"I'm just going to use the little girls room before dinner arrives" she said and I took the opportunity.

"I'll join you!" She looked at me confused but smiled it off. We walked silently to the bathroom and she did her business while I "fixed" my lipstick.

"Lovely place huh" she said coming out to wash her hands.

I scoffed. "Wasn't this the place kay took  you for your anniversary?" I asked in a harsh tone. She slammed her hands down, annoyed.

"What the FUCK is up your little ass aria!?" She was now fully looking at me.

"I don't know! Maybe the fact you took my dream man in 10th grade, without hesitation! And maybe because you got yet again another dream man!! What do they see in you anyway! You walk around all high and mighty like the world will bow down to you. Your mommy's a famous lawyer, your daddy's a doctor. You went to a fancy college you have a fancy job. What the fuck makes you so special." I snapped.

She looked at me pissed and confused. "Excuse me? Took your dream man? Aria for the 900th fucking time I wouldn't have dated him if you fucking told me you liked him!! But you never did! And that's your fault" she walked closer to me and I took a step back. "What do I have to offer? A ducking personality aria. I don't have to flaunt my chest and ass and dress like a whore to get men to notice me. My body count isn't our entire graduating class, and I actually know how to hold a conversation. That's why I get the good men aria." She was talking slowly, and I knew she was pissed as she continued to step forward. I hit the back wall. "Now I may not have had a backbone in highschool when you did nothing but degrade me. But I do now. If you ever, so much as think, of running my relationship into the ground, I will make it my personal fucking job, to ruin yours like you ruined mine in high school. I know if was you who told Kay I was cheating on him! And because if that, it sent Kay into a spiraling rampage, which resulted in him assaulting me, and forcing me to stay with him. But I didn't hold it against you. And I never told you because your head was so far up your ass you couldn't see it if I shoved it up there with you. You want to act like I was such a problem in highschool. Yet I couldn't wear the same things as you, couldn't date anyone you fucked, none of that. So shut the fuck up before I bitch slap you so hard I take you back to second grade where I met you, and leave you on the playground." She turned to check her makeup, smiling and walked out. I was stuck against the wall. I had no idea that she had felt that way. Or gone through that.

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