5. think about it

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- adams POV -

I had slipped the note under her door and went off to see my manager. Last night was something I shouldn't have done. It was something I wish I had done differently.

I got into the car and almost immediately after I started the car, Monica called.

"Yes" I answered waiting for her to blow up on me as she did the other day in the apartment lobby.

"Hello sweets, are you off to see mark/" she asked sweetly, as if she hadn't just yelled at me the day prior.

"Yes I am, now why did you call. I thought you were ignoring me after yesterdays blowout" I a said driving down the street.

"I know and im sorry honey, its just been crazy lately and you have seemed distant and I feel our relationship is weak' she said and I laughed.

"You went to the press about a fake story you heard from your sister about me, Monica! Do you know how hard it was for mark to take that shit down?" I said getting more pissed off. She huffed.

"I said I was sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking. But clearly you are still hung up about the situation. call me when your done with mark and when you don't have an attitude" she said hanging up the phone and I rolled my eyes and took a deep sigh.

Dating these days seems impossible. If she finds out that I kissed my neighbor from across the street while being wine drunk she would lose it. I parked in the garage and covered my face with my hands. I don't know what overcame me last night but I am convinced I scared that poor girl off.

I got out of the car and went into my manager's office.

"Adam!" He said smiling.

"Mark, how are you this morning" I said sitting in the chair infant of him.

He took a long sigh and began. "Well besides what Monica did, its been pretty good. But we do need to discuss a few things about what we will be doing." He took a pause. " I want you on Instagram" he said finishing his sentence and I laughed, hard.

"Mark we have talked about this, I am not getting an instagram" I said back and he rolled his eyes.

"I think we have the potential to make an even bigger impact" he said flipping through a file of papers.

I rolled my eyes and shrunk into the chair.

"At least consider it?" He asked writing on a paper.

"Key word. Consider." I said back and that clearly got his attention.

"Good, now you have a appearance and interview with the guardian. Once you leave here you will have to go to there building." he said handing over the paper and I nodded.

I said my goodbyes and went to the interview. It wasps I expected. The future of Starwars, my relationship and many other questions. About 5 hours had passed and I had completely forgotten about giving Y/N my number.

When I got into my car to go home, I saw I had a text from an unknown number.

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now