Chapter 1

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Valley Marcey frowned, as she looked out the window. A black van pulled up, with tinted windows, looking out-of-place next to the more colorful cars in her neighborhood. Glancing back at her 'family', she sighed as the person she had thought of as her mother flinched when Valley waved. Shaking her head, and pulling her bag after her, she descended the flight of stairs, and went out the front door. The whole time, she imagined her little sister, running up to her and hugging her leg, begging her to stay, like she had when Valley went to camp last summer. She wished her father had lectured her on how to behave, warning her to stay away from boys. And, most of all, she hoped her mother would call her back, to make sure she had everything she needed, and then called her on the way to her destination. A tall adult in a black suit with dark sunglasses reached for Valley's arm. Jerking away and walking faster, she got into the van, and was seated between two other adults. Glaring at her feet, she ignored anything the adults said.

The car ride was long, and she was sick of being sandwiched between the two government agents. When the car finally stopped, she was assisted out of the vehicle, and led up a pair of steps and through a door. Valley was escorted to a room. She stepped through the door, and it was locked behind her. She walked over to the bed, and sat down, her bag at her knees. A beeping sound from the speaker on the ceiling brought her out of her thoughts.

"Attention all patients. Dinner will be served in half an hour. Please get into your uniforms, and be ready to be escorted to the dining room. Thank you."

She got up, and went to the small wardrobe in the corner of her room. Inside was a white, cotton dress that would likely end at her mid-thigh. If she didn't have such long legs, it would go below her knees. On the bottom of the wardrobe, was a pair of plain, white ballet flats. Valley dressed out of her jeans and sweater, and into the dress, slipping on the shoes. Walking to the mirror over the wardrobe, she glanced at her thick, gently curled, black hair that never stayed flat on her head. Grimacing, she tried to press it down with her hands. It eagerly sprung back up, and she narrowed her electric blue eyes. I can't believe Mom sent me here, she thought. She'd barely been here fifteen minutes, and it already seemed like a prison.

"Attention all patients. Dinner will be served in ten minutes. Be ready to be escorted to the dining room."

Valley sat back down on her bed, tracing patterns on the pale skin of her hand. She waited the allotted time, and looked up as an adult unlocked her door, and came in. He nodded at her, and Valley stood, walking out of the room with the agent close behind.

She was escorted to a room, with a long table. Sitting in a spot near the end, Valley met the eyes of every 'subject' that entered the room. The boys were dressed in a white shirt and white pants, with white tennis shoes. The girls were dressed in a white dress, with white ballet flats.

A girl sat next to Valley, her short, spikey red hair sleep ruffled. Valley met her deep green eyes, and said, "Hello, Erica."

"Hi. How'd you know my name?"

"It's a secret. I can't tell anyone. I told my mom and she sent me here."

"I see. My dad sent me here."

A boy sat across from me, and Valley looked him in the eye.

"This is-"

"Trent, I know. My name is Valley. It's nice to meet you," She said, a blank expression on her face. Not exactly confusion, just indifference. It was custom for Valley to be indifferent.

"How'd you know my name?" Valley almost grinned. Erica had said the same thing. Then again, they were siblings. They'd been stuck in here for the same reason Valley had, although they were Psychics, not a Clairsentient, like herself.

"She said it was a secret," Erica explained for her. Valley nodded, and began to eat the flavorless soup on the table before her.

"You're not the only new 'patient', Valley," a voice drifted into her ear. Valley turned to the boy behind her, and met his blue gaze.

"I know that, Cedric. You just got here yesterday. Erica has been here for a year, and Trent has been here for five months," Valley explained, as Cedric took his seat next to her.

"And you got here about thirty-five minutes ago. I'm sorry about your mom, Val."

"I'm sorry about your older brother," she paused. "You're just like me, aren't you?"

A brief nod and a knowing smile. She found herself returning the smile. She nodded, and finished her soup. Sitting up straight and tall, she easily beat Erica's height by a good five inches. Cedric was four inches taller than her, and Trent was two inches taller than Erica. Though it didn’t seem to matter, it helped her to understand their actions a little bit more.

"Seriously, Valley, how do you know us?"

"I'm always serious. If you want to know, talk to Cedric. He knows more than I do."

"It's not safe to talk here. There are cameras everywhere. They record sound, as well as surroundings," Cedric whispered, staring at Valley the whole time. Their eyes met once again, and Valley nodded.

"Goodbye everyone."

As Valley walked back to the door, with her guard waiting for her there, Cedric ran up to her.

"I'll see you later, Val," he whispered in her ear. Valley felt a pleasant shiver dance down her spine, and bowed her head in understanding. Something was pressed into her hand, and she tightened her fist, keeping whatever it was with her. A small spark flew from his hand to hers, and Valley brought her hand to her chest, clutching it to her heart.

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