Chapter 8: Lying to your crush is like... A bad stupid idiotic idea

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A cut flower wilts in the span of five days if not tended to carefully. For it to survive longer, a call for diligence and proper maintenance is necessary. This was how Slender viewed his relationship with [Y/N]: as a flower that needed to blossom under the right conditions. And now, that flower was drooping, on the edge of its last breath and if he did not do something quick, its petals would fall and it would die. He found himself stumped in this predicament he had landed himself in. So, Slender resorted himself to the action that he did best: thinking.

He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts, trying to figure out ways to solve his problem with Birdy. He knew that what he had done was not the right path that he had ventured on and that he possibly just might have made the situation worse. Along the way, he knew he would come across an obstacle that even he would not be able to get around.

His decision was made too quick, too rash for his own taste. If this had been some sort of deal or proposition, he would have thought things through with more vigilance. However, this was Birdy and he was always too flustered to think around her. God help him if she ever decided to become his wife. He did not know if he would be able to restrain himself.

The faceless being had switched to polite nodding as his brother bothered him with a torrent of questions. Slender paid no heed to any of them as he was too preoccupied to care.

"Is [Y/N] still here?" Offender asked, knowing his brother wasn't listening.

Slender nodded.

"What's she wearing?"

Another mindless nod.

It was the final question that proved successful in attaining Slender's attention. "Did you fuck up?"

Offender smirked as he watched Slender slightly straighten, acting as if he got caught red-handed in a lie. Slender crossed his arms and grumbled. "Yes."

Offender laughed before leaning forward, getting closer to Slender as his interest piqued. This is going to be entertaining, he thought. "What happened? What did you say? What did she say?"

Slender shot him a glare before sighing, simply wanting his brother to back off and mind his own business. "She asked me if I ever killed anybody and what was I supposed to say?" Offender's head dipped, amused at how Slender grew more and more animated in his rant. "Was I supposed to tell her, 'Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, I'm quite infamous for that,' and send her running? You know Birdy, she hates stuff like that."


Slender massaged his brow ridge with his thumb and index finger, clearly frustrated with himself. "So I lied to her and probably dug myself a grave to die in if she ever finds out," he bemoaned. "I hate lying to her."


Slender glanced down at his brother through the gaps between his fingers. He glared at his brother's leering smile, irked. "Stop. I know you're making fun of me."

"Yup. This is hilarious."

"I'm going to talk to Trender. I should have known that trying to talk to you about this would amount to nothing." Before Slender could stand up, however, his captains, Masky and Toby, arrived at the table, carrying news. They had wanted to tell their boss what had happened earlier but when they tried to meet him at his office, they almost got ran over when he came barrelling past, pushing the woman on the 'no-harm' list around in his chair. Besides, they knew that he would've probably gotten angry at them if they interrupted his alone time with the famous [Y/N] [L/N]. Their boss fuming at them was a sight they would rather not see.

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