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Author's note: This book is told by the perspective of many people not just the main characters and it goes back and forth in time. So just lookout for headings like 'Past Day' or 'Present Day' and always read the dates as they go so that you don't get confused.

Please forgive any grammatical and spelling mistakes as this is my first time writing so, please be a little gentle. Thank you.



Present Day

It has been raining for two hours now. Woody isn't home yet, I wonder if he is stuck somewhere because of the downpour. I wish he'd home soon.

The thunder is seriously getting to me. I just want to put my headphones on and go to sleep but my head is already hurting due to the small text of the book that I was previously reading.

Hope the medicine that I took kicks in soon so that I could actually fall asleep and escape the sound of rain outside. I didn't always hate rain it's just after the accident everything's different now, there are so many things that I can't do or don't want to do.

Basically i am at a standstill, a standstill that most of the time I hope will never end and just sometime I hope will but then I imagine all the things that could happen if the standstill is gone, and that is a line of thoughts which can be pretty dangerous for a person with a wild, vivid imagination as me.

So, I avoid thinking about it at all costs which is not hard as I have the attention span of four year old kid. Woody's words not mine. He doesn't give me enough credit. I can be focused when I want to be it's just there is so much stuff that I would like to know about that I just can't be reading one book at a time when I can split my time and read three and draw and eat

'hmm i wonder if there is some pizza left from last night that was delicious they did a good job it was so fresh and hot and beyond amazing'

Ok sorry sorry went slightly off topic here. No, I don't have ADHD period.

I open my eyes and give up on my attempt at falling asleep, if sleep wants to evade me, so be it.

I'll just wait for Woody to get home and listen to him about how his day went which always works like a charm in making me fall asleep. Not saying that his work is boring.

It's definitely boring.

Meetings upon meetings, upon meetings. I don't even now how is does it. Just listening to him talking about it drains me of energy but he seems to like it.

A little info about Woody, the guy is a perfectionist, really loves to cook (when he gets the time to anyway) and the best adoptive father ever.

Without Woody's help I'd probably be in an mental institution of some sort what with the things that I can see and hear that others can't.

Only he knows what makes me tick or non tick per say. Woody says we have a special bond even if we do not share the same genotype. He says family doesn't end in blood. I like this saying a lot even though he is quoting Bobby Singer from Supernatural. I love that show for many things mainly for how you can be an angel, nephlim, demon, wolf, vampire, witch, the king of hell, or anything that is wrong or right(depends on the perspective) in this world and can be considered family. I am still a little sad about Crawley he deserved better.

'Ok getting off topic here but not quite I swear I do not have ADHD'

So, yeah Woody and me are not relative by something as simple as blood but the circumstance that has made our life as it is today.

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