Chapter 12

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I take the stairs two at a time, running like my life depends on it. I stumble on the last few steps, but I quickly pick myself up and run towards my bedroom, I skid on the polished floor as a reach the door. I burst through the door, quickly slamming it behind me and locking it, before collapsing against the door. My breath shakes as a slowly sink to the floor, leaning against the door. I try to calm my breathing. I try to block those dark memories from flooding into my brain once again. A single sob escapes from my mouth, followed by another, and another.


I wake up with a stiff neck. I warily open my eyes, to find that I'm still on the floor. Telling from the amount of light shining through the windows, it's well into the afternoon. I slowly stand up, stretching, trying to get rid of the stiffness in my body. As soon as I get to my bed I check the time on the digital clock sitting on the bedside table. 13:43.

I don't see the point in going downstairs. I don't feel like bumping into anyone right now. I ignore the rumbling of my empty stomach, and look in the mirror. My hair's still a mess, and my eyes are red and puffy. I sigh before shuffling into the bathroom, with a fresh pair of clothes. I shower and get dressed, before brushing my hair and my teeth. Once I'm finished I check my phone for any texts. There's a text from Cadenza, explaining that I'll be on duty tomorrow night again, with Liam this time.

I fall back onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I sigh. What am I supposed to do now? I'm starving, but there's no way I'm going downstairs. My stomach growls again, this time it's louder. I haven't eaten anything all day, and the last time I ate was last night before my shift. My stomach let's out another low growl, and this time I listen to it.

I get up and walk to the door, slowly unlocking it and peaking out. I look up and down the hall, listening for any voices and footsteps. I slowly walk out of the room and peer down the stairs, looking to see if anyone's there. It seems like nobody's home, since it's eerily quiet. I go downstairs, stopping and looking around the corner before making my way into the dinning room. I look inside, before proceeding through to the kitchen. I quietly make myself a sandwich, making sure to listen for anyone walking around.

Plate in hand, I slowly walk out of the kitchen and into the dinning. There's still no sound. I walk to the stairs. As my foot touches the first step, I feel someone grab my forearm. I gasp,and quickly turn around, my eyes locking with Carter's icy ones.

"Listen, Heather I'm so sorry I-" he begins.

"Let me go." I cut him off, trying to yank my arm free, but he holds on, his grip tightening. I continue my attempt to free myself.

"Please just listen, I didn't mean for that happen earlier."

I give a hard tug and my arm pulls free from his grip. I pull my arm away quickly. I only climb a few steps before I feel Carter's hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I snap. He let's go and I rush up the stairs, and back into the room. Only after I was in the safety of my room, I realized that Carter's face was heavily bruised.


I blankly stare at the wall, while Carter drones on about this week's schedule and everyone's shifts. Unfortunately, this meeting was compulsory. I catch Liam and Cadenza shooting me concerned looks from the corner of my eye. I choose to ignore them and continue staring at the fascinating wall. Carter finishes up his little speech, and he starts to plan future schedules for us to follow. I begin to zone out, thinking about my mission. I have to start preparing for it soon. I'll start with finding the best way into Isabelle's bedroom. I could always just slip into her bedroom during one of my shifts, but once they discover her corpse, they'll start suspecting me, since I was on duty. I'll have to do it while someone else is working. But how do I get in unnoticed? I can't just waltz in and come back out once I've killed her.

"Heather?" Carter asks, interrupting my scheming.

"Sounds great," I half heartedly mumble, "But I should really get going, I have some errands to run, have fun with your," I glance at all the scattered documents and schedules on the table, "planning."

It wasn't a complete lie. I go upstairs and change my clothes and grab my bag, before leaving the house. I call a cab, and ask the driver to take me to the local mall. My dear victim will be there, and I have some stalking- I mean errands, to do.


Liam's POV

I finally out ran Cadenza. She put up a good fight, but she eventually gave up. I'm about to go upstairs, when I hear raised  voices coming from the kitchen. I decide to investigate, my curiosity getting the better of me. I walk to the kitchen, and I can distinguish Carter's raised voice. I warily enter the dining room, trying to peer into the kitchen.

"I didn't hear anything, I swear!"

I freeze. That's Heather. I quickly speed up, walking around the dining room table.

"Now please get off me!"

When I hear that, I run into the kitchen, and see Carter, pinning Heather against the wall, the weight of his body trapping her. Her eyes are tightly shut, and I notice that she's trembling. On impulse, I yank Carter back, pulling him away from her. I barely notice Heather bolting out of the kitchen, as I punch Carter, the impact causing him to stumble back. I grab him by the neck of his shirt. My anger consumes me, as I blindly start punching Carter, again and again. How could he do that to Heather!? What would've happened if I didn't help!? I deliver one last punch, before letting go of Carter, he collapses against the kitchen counter. His nose is bleeding, and his face is bruised. The blood drips down his face, staining his shirt. I don't say anything as I stomp out of the kitchen, leaving him there, but there's one thought that bothers me. Why didn't he fight back? The Carter I know would never settle on being on the receiving end of a punch, he'd punch back, so why didn't he?

 Why didn't he fight back? The Carter I know would never settle on being on the receiving end of a punch, he'd punch back, so why didn't he?

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~Sorry that it's been a while since I last uploaded, I've been super busy this week and dint have much time to write

~I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and don't forget to vote and comment 💜

~Remember to stay safe out there💜

Husky UwU

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