Chapter 28

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Carter ducks as Carmen pull the trigger of the gun. She swears in frustration and she continues trying to aim for him. There are more thundering footsteps and the door crashes open once again. Another group of dark-clothed figures emerge onto the rooftop, armed.

"Jesus, Carmen stop!" Alexander yells, "Do you realize how much trouble we'll be in if you shoot them!? They're boss' top tier assassins." Carmen stops her firing, disappointed.

"Does he really think we need reinforcements?" she asks, unimpressed.

When I look over at the group of assassins, they're trying to get to Carter and Cadenza. Cadenza has managed to hold off a few of them, but I can tell she's starting to get overwhelmed. I tug against the rope, trying to get free. It starts digging into my skin and it starts to hurt everytime I move, but I continue. Carmen and Alexander haven't noticed what I'm doing yet. They're too preoccupied by watching the scene unfold in front of them.

I try and free my hands first, but it's proving very difficult. I try pulling my hands apart against the rope, but it's tied too tightly and my wrists start to sting. I need to think. I think back to the different tips and techniques I learnt during my training. The first thing I do, is straighten my arms as much as I can and when I do this, I can already feel that the rope is a bit looser. So they must've tied my hands together while my arms were bent. I start twisting my wrists and pulling against the rope, trying to stretch it as much as I possibly can. It seems to be working. This would be a lot easier if my hands weren't tied behind my back, I would've been able to use my teeth to untie them.

Once I feel the rope is loose enough, I manage to slip my hand out. Perfect. I check and see where Carmen and Alexander are and it looks like they've joined the fight. There must be too many people for Carmen to shoot without injuring any of their allies. At least they're distracted. I bring my hands back in front of me and start untying the rope around my legs. It looks like someone didn't use the right knot to tie the rope... Once my legs are free I start working on the rope securing tightly to the chair. As I'm untying the knot I look up to see what's happening now.

I've lost sight of Cadenza and Carter is trying to fight the assassins that are after him. Alexander has joined the assassins, but Carmen isn't there... I hear the click of a gun next to my head and I slowly turn to look at her.

"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" she asks, before continuing without waiting for a response, "It looks like your job as bait is done, there's no more need for you." She moves her finger to the trigger, but she doesn't pull it. She obviously wants to drag this out as long as she can.

"Do it," I tell her, looking her dead in the eye, "Pull the trigger, I dare you." She looks at me wordlessly, shocked at the boldness behind my words.

"Shoot me, pull the trigger, it's not that hard right?" I taunt, "All you have to do is bend your finger, so do it. Oh wait... You can't."

"Why you little-" she snarls, pressing the gun harder against my head.

"You won't shoot me, no, you can't shoot me," I continue, "Why? Because you'll suffer the consequences from boss, he didn't give you permission to shoot me yet. Trust me, I know exactly what happens when you defy him."

She rolls her eyes and reluctantly lowers the gun.

"How about we make things more interesting?" I suggest, "I can tell you like to fool around, you're like a cat that likes to play around with the mouse before killing it, so let's do that." All I need to do is buy some time.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" she asks, it seems that I've finally captured her attention.

"What about a quick game of Russian roulette?" I state, "How does that sound? You seem like the type of girl to enjoy a risky game of Russian roulette during your free time, hm?"

"I've heard of it, but I've never played it before."

"Well there's a first time for everything," I smile, "The rules are simple, except we'll make a few changes. You will load however many bullets you want into the chamber, then you'll spin the chamber, point the gun at me and pull the trigger. It's just that simple." I finish my explanation and she starts rifling through her pockets for the rest of her bullets. While she's distracted, I finish loosening the complicated knot in the rope tying me to the chair, but I don't untie it completely. Carmen is still looking for the bullets so I take it as an opportunity to see what's happening on the other end of the rooftop.

My stomach sinks when I notice that Carter, beat up, has his hands held behind his back as Alexander marches him over. There's still no sign of Cadenza. Alexander brings him over and pushes him down onto his knees on front of us. He looks up and gives me an apologetic look that I don't react to. The other assassins leave the rooftop, most likely going to report back to boss. Alexander ties Carter's hands together with a leftover piece of rope, before walking over to the door at the other end of the rooftop and standing guard.

Carmen finally found the rest of the bullets before she turns to Carter.

"Lucky you, you have a front row seat," she comments, "now sit back, relax and enjoy the show." She starts loading a bullet into the chamber, but she's interrupted before she can load another. The door opens and my boss emerges once again.

"My my my, look what we have here," he chides, "it looks like you finally came in useful." He gives me a pointed stare.

"Father?" Carter asks, "Why are you doing all of this?"

"You know exactly why, you're just like her," he points at me, "you can't even follow simple orders... And you wonder why you got kicked out of the agency."

My mind can barely comprehend everything that I just heard. Carter's father is my boss? And what does he mean by "kicked out if the agency"?

Don't tell me...

Carter used to be an assassin too?

Carter used to be an assassin too?

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Surprise update, enjoy😃


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