Chapter 19

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Before we even realize, it's already time for us to escort the Hart's from the airport. The Hart's will be driving in their rented car, accompanied by their chauffeur and we'll be renting two more cars. Liam and Cadenza will drive in front and Carter and I will bring up the rear, with the Hart's driving in the middle. Cadenza offered to go with Liam, reassuring us that they won't get lost.

Carter manages to take the car keys before I can.

"Oh no you don't," he says, "I don't trust your sense of direction after this afternoon." I pout, but reluctantly sit in the passenger seat. The "driver gets to pick the music" rule applies to us and I really wanted to pick the music this time, but I guess we'll be listening to Carter's favorite music, silence.

I angle my body away from Carter so I can look out of the window to entertain myself, since the car ride will be silent. No matter how many times I begged Carter to at least let me put the radio on softly, he doesn't budge. I suppose he needs silence so he can concentrate, or we will probably get lost. At least I can drive with music and still know where to go, but apparently I'm bad at directions.


Once we arrive at the airport, we go and wait for the Hart's at the arrivals gate. Luckily they're the first people off the plane, since they traveled first class so we don't have to wait for a long time. Then we escort them to the hotel.

"That's a nice car." I comment, trying to break the awkward silence in the car. The Hart's car is practically a limousine, but I didn't expect anything less from them. No response. Awkward.

"Do you need to concentrate on directions that much?" I ask, hoping that he actually responds this time. Still nothing.

"Look is this about what happened last night-"

"Shhhhh," He silences me, keeping his eyes on the road. My mouth hangs open, mid-sentence and I close it, "The car could be bugged, I checked it, but you can never be too careful."

"So we can't talk about normal things?" I ask.

"No." Such a short and simple answer.

"What, do you think the car rental company is gonna hold a kiss on the cheek against you?" my question is dripping with sarcasm that he'll most likely choose to ignore, "They'll put it on your resume?"

My eyesight must be betraying me, because I swear Carter's blushing. Carter Jones. Blushing. Those three words don't go together, but here it is, happening right in front of me.

"Why so shy?" I tease, "You were the one that kissed me right?" His face reddens even more.

"Hmmm, I wonder if Liam and Cadenza know about it..." I chuckle, "Of course they wouldn't, you would keep it all hushed up, like dirt swept under the mat-"

"If you continue poking fun at me like that I'll kiss you properly next time." he speaks up, glancing over at me for a moment and it's satisfying to see him flustered.

"Eyes on the road Jones." I say, trying to keep my cool. Don't show any reaction, don't show anyyyy reaction.

"You took a wrong turn," I point out and click my tongue, "Rookie mistake, I thought you were good at directions?" my sentence dries up as I realize what I just said. There goes my sarcasm, getting me in trouble once again. I quickly look over at Carter but he hasn't said anything. Maybe he didn't notice? I remain silent for the rest of the drive, just in case.

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