Chapter 5

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Izumi looked down at the 20 sheets of pape left and sighed in relief.

It has been 3 hours sense Katsuki had text her and she had been starving she felt like she had lost 10 pounds.

It was around 8:50 and if she didn't get anything soon she was gonna pass out.

Izumi sighed, and grabbed another sheet of paper for the mission and started to fill it out every paper felt like the same thing over and over.

Name, email,shifts, off of work, and etc.

After a while she her stomach growled loudly, as she blushed in embarrassment to see if anyone was around but luckily nobody was there just her.

Izumi got up and went looking for an coffee machine to keep her awake and fill her up for a while.

She went into the break room and grabbed an Ice Coffee out the fridge.

As she cane back the lights started to flicker on and off catching her off guard.

She started to shake in fear.


She looked around the lights still flickering.


The sound of glass breaking was heard.

"STOP! I-it's not funny!" She screamed, as big chunck of tears strolled down her cheeks.

Soon she heard loud footsteps coming her way.

Her breathing got heavy. She watched to many scary movie with her mom of people just standing there or just tripping over air and just investigating.

The sound got close.

This was real.

She didn't waste anymore time to jump out of her heals and start running to the stairs and not the elevator or she'll get caught.

She slammed the door opened to the stairwell and jumper three stairs at a time.

The footsteps got louder and louder.

They were close.

She could take it still running down the stairs her breathing getting quick and unstable.

The footsteps were behind her.

The person tackled Izumi to the ground making her fall but the person quickly switching their position so they felled down the stairs.

Izumi panted She was string on top of the man her hands on there chest.

It was still dark so she couldn't see the 'Villain'

She hoped off the person to take off only to be pinned in the wall my the man.

"LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!" She screamed in fear of what was going to happen next.

She kept repeating herself over and over saying 'please' and 'don't hurt me' until she heard a familiar voice.

"Calm the fuck down Deku!"





Rage build up inside of Izumi.

She gather all of her strength and punched Katsuki in his chest making his fall.

She jumped on top of his hitting him over and over.

Until he caught her hands making her stop as tears still streamed down her face as she tried to catch her breath.

Katsuki pulled the girl down on his chest rubbing her back in circles.

"I'm was just a prank...just calm down breath.." He said, trying to ease out the girl breathing so she doesn't pass out.

Izumi soon calmed down and drifted into slumber from being exhausted. Slowly Katsuki lifted the girl up and went back into the office.

Katsuki went into his his office and place the girl on his couch in the conner of the room and grabbed a blanket and placed it over her leaving a water bottle next to her.

He went to her desk to get the paperwork and back to his office observing the sleeping girl and back at the paper work time to time looking at Izumi.

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