( f o u r t e e n )

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( f o u r t e e n )

My heart was beating wildly in my chest before we even reached the ground, seeming to slam painfully against my rib cage over and over. My hands were pressed tightly against Luna's shoulders, preventing them from shaking and betraying my nerves. I didn't know why I was so nervous; I'd faced plenty of monsters before. I was a daughter of two gods; I could surely face whatever was coming.

A small voice in the back of my mind reminded me not to overestimate myself, and I told it to shut up. I didn't need modesty right now; I needed quick thinking and wits.

As soon as Luna's hooves touched down on the lush grass, I leapt off of her back and drew Arch, turning this way and that to catch sight of be monster. At first I didn't notice anything unusual about my surroundings.

As the others landed around me, I realised what was off. Though I'd heard sounds of panic and chaos just seconds ago, everything was silent now. We'd landed in the middle of a small field, streets and shops full of people around us. Cars were driving by noiselessly, people were going about their normal business. It didn't make any sense.

Then the Mist's illusions broke, all heck along with it. The mortals were not, in fact, walking calmly along the paths, but instead running and screaming chaotically, some even crying. Most of the cars on the road had either crashed or were speeding by in an effort to get away from the monster, whatever it was. Apparently, even through the Mist, the mortals' interpretation of the monster was pretty scary.

But still, no monster in sight.

"What the-" Leo started.

Then we spotted it.

Well, more like it spotted us (or - smelled us. Same difference). It burst through the roof of a small store on the opposite side of the road, breaking clean through the brick and concrete. Chunks of rock and wood flew through the air, some landing right at our feet (and one hitting Leo in the shoulder - he winced but altogether ignored it).

It was Kampê.

Fly-about, scaled hair, fiery whip, about three times the size of us... things weren't looking too good for us.

By now the pegasi were out of sight, taken to the air where it was undoubtedly safer, and we were left standing alone in the middle of the field. Kampê was shrieking and prowling our way, her fiery whip snaking through the air, destroying cars in lethal blasts of metal and gasoline.

My fingers fumbled quickly into my pocket, withdrawing Arch and prying the cap off with anticipating fingers. I let the cap drop to the ground carelessly - it would return if I survived.

The others drew their weapons too - Annabeth with a wicked-looking, dragon bone sword, Percy his bronze pen-sword, Dana with the standard issued celestial bronze sword, and Leo pulling a heavy-looking hammer from his tool belt and summoning fire in the other.

We didn't look like much at all. We were just five demigods with nothing but a small selection of weapons, sporting only chest plates and backpacks.

Regardless, we were a formidable enemy - or, so I hoped.

This was my first time really fighting as a team, and I had no idea if they would understand my techniques or not. There wasn't much I could do about it at this point, so I was left with no option to just go for it.

The others seemed at ease, even Dana, but I was strangely on edge. I'd fought monsters plenty of times before; what was the problem with me?

I'd figure it out later. First, I needed to kill Kampê.

A/N: AHHH omigods filler. but the next chapter is a gift scene so yeah...

so this is one of those random updates I mentioned. don't expect them regularly, cos then this wouldn't be on hold, but they will occasionally come.


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