Sheffield's Day Off!

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Okay so after this request I'll be writing the Akagi chapter, which may or may not be a two parter. Anyway this was requested by PaledKing this time our focus is the serious maid Sheffield! What antics will she get up to in this chapter?

Sheffield has to be the best maid on the base next to Belfast herself, she loyally served Cobalt just like the head maid and was usually the one to take over for her if the need arose. Although despite her strong work ethic and always serious nature, the Commander couldn't help but worry about her. Unlike Belfast, who not only perform all of her duties perfectly, she also made sure to give herself the proper rest when needed. Sheffield on the other hand, would work herself to the point of exhaustion and continue to work despite her body's protests.
Cobalt had on multiple occasions had attempted to get Sheffield to take a day off and get the rest she needed. Unfortunately Sheffield would always state that his well-being was more important then her own. Cobalt had been ready to give up on trying to get the serious maid from taking a break. That was until the perfect plan hit him like a freight train, it was foolproof. Cobalt couldn't help but crack a smile at how Sheffield would have no way of refusing his request. "Master you requested my presence?" Sheffield said as she entered the office.
"Yes Sheffield, I have an important task for you today. I'm planning on heading into the city to do a little shopping, just a few things I need for the office. I was wondering, would you accompany me?" Cobalt said as Sheffield's eyes widened in response to Cobalt's request. "Wouldn't Sirius be a better choice for your protection?" Sheffield asked as she looked at Cobalt. While Sirius specialized as a bodyguard more then being an actual maid, Cobalt wasn't worried about his safety on this trip. "I'm just going into the city Sheffield, I don't need a bodyguard, just someone to help me with the shopping." Cobalt said as he waited for Sheffield to respond.
Sheffield was sitting in the back of the car with Cobalt as the Chauffeur drove them into the city. Sheffield was happy to help her Master, but she couldn't help but feel like he was planning something. They finally made it to the city as Cobalt told the driver he would call him to pick them up. Sheffield took glances at her Master as she wondered what he could possibly need that they couldn't order through the Naval Supply System. To Sheffield's surprise, they were heading into an Exotic Tea Leaf Shop. "Master what do we need from here?" Sheffield asked as she gave her Master a confused look.
             Cobalt turned to look at Sheffield before smiling at her. "Warspite mentioned that Queen Elizabeth wanted to try a particular rare brand of tea leaves. Unfortunately it could only be gotten from select Exotic Tea Stores." Cobalt explained as Sheffield's eyes widened in surprise. "I'm surprised you would do something so kind for her Majesty after her behavior towards you." Sheffield said as she remembered the time Cobalt joined the Royal Navy for tea. Cobalt quickly talked to the man behind the counter before receiving the package containing the tea leaves that Warspite had mentioned.
Cobalt and Sheffield exited the Tea Shop as they made their way towards the next stop on their trip. "Warspite also explained to me that Elizabeth has a hard time making friends. So she also has a hard time talking to people, with that in mind it would feel wrong to hold a grudge against her." Cobalt explained as he spotted the next store on his list. Once again Sheffield was surprised that the store they were entering was a Candy Store. "Why are we at a Candy Store Master?" Sheffield asked as she once again gave Cobalt a confused look as she still tried to figure this out.
               "Mutsuki mentioned that her and her friends were running out of candy, so I decided to pick some up while I was out here." Cobalt said as he paid for a box of assorted candies for the young Destroyers. Sheffield would never fault her Master's kind nature, but they couldn't be wasting the funds given to them on this. "Master is it really wise to spend our funds on this?" Sheffield asked as she gave Cobalt a worried look. "Considering that I'm paying for all of this out of my own pocket, I'd say our supplied funds won't be hurt." Cobalt said as Sheffield gave her Master a worried look on her face for a new reason.
              "Master you can't pay for all this out of pocket!" Sheffield said as she didn't understand why Cobalt was so willing to use his own money. "Sheffield don't worry, while the Navy doesn't have the best pay, I do get money from my book Art of Naval Tactics and Aquatic Combat." Cobalt said as he was financially well off due to his work as an author. Sheffield decided to drop the topic for now, although she was starting to get suspicious about the true intentions of Master requesting her help today. Sheffield shook those thoughts out of her head as they had reached the next store.
Cobalt and Sheffield stopped at a few more stores before they finally got everything on Cobalt's list. Sheffield quickly realized that nothing on the list was for his own personal needs, but for the girls back at the base. "Before we head back, why don't me get lunch?" Cobalt suggested as they stopped at a locale Cafe/Restaurant for lunch. As they waited for their food, Sheffield decided to finally question her Master on what he's been trying to do this entire time. "Master, why did you need me to accompany you? Any of the other maids would have done just fine, so why did you ask me?" Sheffield asked as she finally wanted answers.
Cobalt let out a small chuckle as he smiled at Sheffield. "Sheffield you do so much to help me and everyone else on the base, just like the rest of the Royal Maids. The problem is you don't ever let yourself rest, so I decided to bring you with me to give you a day off." Cobalt explained as Sheffield glared at him. "So you did this to get me to shirk my responsibilities!" Sheffield growled as Cobalt recoiled from her tone of voice. "I-I'm sorry Sheffield, I was just worried about your health is all, sorry for tricking you." Cobalt said as he looked down at the table.
Sheffield's eyes softened as she smiled at Cobalt. "Master I'm sorry, you were just trying to look out for me." Sheffield said as Cobalt looked up and returned her smile. After the two of them finished eating, they returned to the car. Sheffield day next to Cobalt as she felt herself getting a little sleepy. Cobalt smiled before patting Sheffield on the head. "Master, thank you for today." Sheffield said with a yawn before she gently rested her head against Cobalt's shoulder. Cobalt took his coat off his shoulders before draping it over Sheffield as a blanket. "Sleep right Sheffield." Cobalt said as he leaned back in his chair.

So there we go with the last request until the two part Akagi chapter is finished up! But I do already have another request on the back burner, but don't let that stop you from leaving a request! Anyway I hope all of you enjoyed the chapter! What will Akagi go through in the next chapter? Find out in Azur Lane: Port Life!

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