Akagi's Redemption Part 2

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So last time we looked at how Akagi was holding up after the Commander got angry with her for her aggression against Deutschland! After getting a pep talk from Deutschland, Akagi plans on improving herself! Let's see how she handles the situation!

Akagi has started get back into the swing of things after isolating herself for a week longer then she had to. Right now Akagi was currently getting back to training with the rest of the Sakura Empire. Akagi was currently out on the open water in the middle of a mock battle against Graf Zeppelin. The two were in a bit of a stalemate as their squadrons of planes kept blowing each other up, without any hitting their intended target. "My hatred shall destroy all that dare appose me!" Graf shouted as she launched another squadron of planes at Akagi. Akagi was about to retaliate with her own planes, but was cut off by a hail of salvo fire raining down on her.
              Akagi quickly dodged the attack, but wasn't ready for the planes. Although before the planes could carpet bomb her, another set of planes destroyed Graf's planes. Akagi looked over to see Enterprise skate up next to her. "Glad to see your finally out of your room Akagi." Enterprise as she gave the Sakura Carrier a smile. Akagi noticed that the ship that had helped Graf Zeppelin was Nelson. "We can talk later Enterprise, lets handle these two first!" Akagi said as she pulled out more of her paper planes and Enterprise nock another arrow in preparation.
               Akagi sat on a bench near the fountain after training finished up for the day. "So Akagi, I hope you feeling better after locking yourself away for two weeks." Enterprise said as she looked at the Fox girl with a smile on her face. "I feel like I owe you an apology Enterprise, you've been civil towards me since Azur Lane was formed, yet I've treated you like some kind of monster." Akagi said as she looked down at her feet in shame. Enterprise took a seat next to Akagi in the bench. "You don't have to apologize Akagi, after all we have been on the opposite sides of a war." Enterprise reasoned.
Akagi looked at Enterprise before letting a small smile spread across her face as well. "We're not so different are we? We do have the same taste in men after all! Although I believe I've lost my chance." Akagi said as Enterprise quickly pulled Akagi into a hug. "I still think there's a place in his heart for you Akagi." Enterprise said as she continued to hug her former enemy. "You've changed Grey Ghost, I remember when fighting was all you cared about." Akagi said as she returned the hug. "The Commander gave me a reason to change." Enterprise said as the two Aircraft Carriers shared a laugh as friends for the first time.
Akagi nervously looked at the front door to the Ironblood dormitory as she knew she was walking into the lion's den. Akagi took a deep breath before knocking on the front door. "Hallo! Oh it's you." Gneisenau said as she glared at Akagi. "Good day, Gneisenau correct?" Akagi said nervously as she did her best to not be to intimidated. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't sick Potato on you right now!" Gneisenau growled as Akagi took a step back in fear at Gneisenau's words. "Stupid Fox? What are you doing here?" Deutschland said as she walked up behind Gneisenau with curious look in her eye.
                  "She was just leaving Deutschland." Gneisenau said as she continued to glare at Akagi. Deutschland pushed Gneisenau out of the way as she took Akagi's hand. "Come on, let's head to my room where we can talk in private." Deutschland said as she led Akagi into the Ironblood dorm. Eventually the two reached Deutschland and Spee's room where they could talk in private. "Sorry about Gneisenau, she's still pretty sore about the whole incident." Deutschland said as she sat down on her bed. "That's understandable, I'm just glad she didn't go through with sending her Rigging after me." Akagi said with relief present in her tone.
Deutschland gestured for Akagi to sit in a chair so they could talk. Akagi took a seat before turning her attention towards Deutschland once again. "So what brings you here anyway?" Deutschland said as she gave Akagi a curious look. "I never did give you a proper apology for my actions. It may not mean much, but I truly am sorry for what I did." Akagi said as she looked down at her lap in shame. Deutschland got off her bed and approached Akagi. "Is that all? I thought we sorted things out last time? Although I f you insist." Deutschland said as she went behind Akagi's chair.
Akagi was surprised that Deutschland began touching her tails. "I've always wondered how soft these tails of yours were." Deutschland said as Akagi's tails wrapped themselves around the Ironblood girl. "Yes well my big sister used to let me use her tails as a pillow when I was younger." Akagi said as she slowly tickled Deutschland with her tails. "Your big sister? You mean Amagi right? I heard she was quite the strategist." Deutschland said as she continued to snuggle into Akagi's tails. "She was one of the Sakura Empire's finest." Akagi said in a downcast tone as her thoughts drifted to her sister.
After bidding farewell to Deutschland, Akagi made her way back to the Sakura Dormitory. "Oh Akagi-Senpai! You finally decide to stop hiding away in shame? To think you would sully the Sakura Empire's reputation!" Shoukaku said in a teasing tone as she circled around Akagi, who just kept walking. The two entered the dormitory as Shoukaku still taunted Akagi. "What's wrong Akagi-Senpai? Are you still mourning the fact the Commander will never love you?" Shoukaku said as she hoped to get a rise out of Fox girl.
Akagi continued to ignore Shoukaku as Zuikaku and Kaga also entered the room. "Aren't you going to respond Akagi-Senpai? Or have finally accepted that my sister and I are better then you and Kaga?" Shoukaku said as Akagi still didn't turn to face her. "Big sister please stop this! Akagi-Senpai has been through enough these past two weeks!" Zuikaku pleaded as she hoped her sister would stop tormenting Akagi. "Why should I Zuikaku?! She's always been so high and mighty! Now that she's been knocked down a few pegs I'm supposed to care?!" Shoukaku yelled as Zuikaku recoiled and Kaga pulled out some paper planes.
Akagi finally turned around and began making her way towards Shoukaku. Kaga wanted to stop her sister, but she also felt like Shoukaku deserved this. "What are you going to do Akagi-Senpai? Attack me like Deutschland?" Shoukaku asked as a smug grin spread across her face. To the shock of everyone in the room, Akagi pulled Shoukaku into a hug. "I'm sorry Shoukaku, I've brushed you off and treated you as if you were beneath me. Can you ever forgive your Senpai for her foolish behavior?" Akagi said as Shoukaku stood frozen in Akagi's embrace after hearing her speak those words.
Shoukaku still didn't know what to do, how does she respond to something like that? "It's okay Shoukaku, don't hold back your emotions." Akagi whispered gently as she tightened the hug on Shoukaku. Shoukaku finally broke as she buried her face in Akagi's shoulder and began to cry. Akagi gently shushed Shoukaku as she let her Junior let all her pain out. After Shoukaku finally calmed down, the two Sakura Carriers finally broke their hug. "I'm sorry Akagi-Senpai, I-I didn't mean what I said!" Shoukaku said as she bowed to Akagi.
"It's quite alright Shoukaku, now if you'll excuse me everyone, I'll be heading back to my room. I feel quite tired after today." Akagi said as she took her leave and entered her and Kaga's bedroom. Kaga followed her sister as she wanted to make sure she was alright. "Sister, I'm proud of you." Kaga said as she sat down next to Akagi. "I'm only beginning my path towards bettering myself Kaga, although I am happy to say I don't feel so alone anymore." Akagi said as Kaga pulled her sister into a hug. Kaga couldn't help but think that if Amagi could see them now she would be smiling.

So Akagi has made amends with her allies! Now that this two parter is finished I plan on writing the next chapter of Naval Tactician! The final battle in the Northern Sea is upon us! In the mean time please leave any requests for future chapters in the comments. Also just as a little friendly reminder, after the next chapter or two the Northern Parliament girls are joining Azur Lane! So feel free to request scenarios with them! What other misadventures await the inhabitants of the Azur Lane Naval Base? Find out in the next chapter of Azur Lane: Port Life!

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