Eldridge's Shocking Adventure!

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So I'm back with another request that was from a few chapters ago that I didn't get to because I was busy writing Akagi's Redemption. Anyway this was requested by NoxturnalNinja who wanted Eldridge as the star of the show this time!

Cobalt was currently stacking the last of his paperwork as he finished up for the weekend so he could finally take a break. Cobalt always enjoyed the weekends, because he usually got to know the girls better without work getting in the way. "It's always an adventure here at Azur Lane, isn't it?" Cobalt thought to himself as he felt something land on his shoulder. Cobalt looked to see that Grim Reaper had landed on his shoulder. "Hello Reaper. Where's Enterprise?" Cobalt asked as he scratched the side of the eagle's head, which got a happy coo in response.
"Commander!" Cobalt turned around to see that Enterprise approaching him. "Enterprise, I thought you'd be nearby." Cobalt said with a chuckle as Reaper returned to Enterprise's arm. "Commander do you have any plans for today?" Enterprise asked as she fidgeted nervously. "Not currently, is there something you'd like to do?" Cobalt asked his Secretary with a curious tone in his voice. "Well someone wanted to spend the day with you." Enterprise said as a light blush spread across her face. Enterprise then stepped to the side to reveal a small blonde haired girl that looked kinda tired.

 Enterprise then stepped to the side to reveal a small blonde haired girl that looked kinda tired

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          "Commander this is Eldridge, she's been wanting to get to know you for awhile now." Enterprise explained as he looked at the Destroyer girl. Cobalt had definitely remembered seeing her around the base a few times, but never got the chance to talk to the girl proper. "Hello Eldridge, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Cobalt said as he patted the girl on the head gently. "Hello Commander, it's nice to meet you to." Eldridge said in a lazy tone as she looked at him with half lidded eyes. "So what did you wanna do Eldridge?" Cobalt asked the girl as she thought about it for a good minute before answering.
"I wanna go into the city." Eldridge said as she tilted her head to the side. "Well I better be going, have fun you two!" Enterprise said as she tried to leave before she got even more embarrassed. Before she could escape however, Eldridge grabbed her by the hand. "Enterprise should come with us." Eldridge said as Enterprise hung her head in defeat. "Well then let's get going, shall we?" Cobalt said as the three of them made their way to the entrance to the base. The trio got into a car as they were driven into the city to start their day off together.
Enterprise was nervous as she took quick glances at the Commander. "Why did I get dragged into this?" Enterprise thought you herself as she tried to calm herself down. "Commander, what's that?" Eldridge asked as she tugged on the Commander's sleeve to get his attention. Cobalt and Enterprise both followed where Eldridge was pointing to only to find an arcade. "That's an arcade Eldridge, it's a place where people can play games." Cobalt explained as the long strand of hair on the top of Eldridge's head stood upright at his words.

" Cobalt explained as the long strand of hair on the top of Eldridge's head stood upright at his words

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(AN: it's the Surprised one.)

Eldridge grabbed Cobalt's hand as she led him towards the arcade. Eldridge looked around at all the games before spotting one in particular. It showed showed a little spaceship at the bottom of the screen, shooting at a hoard of approaching aliens. "There's some kind of irony in this." Cobalt thought to himself as he gave Eldridge a quarter to put into the machine so she could play. "It still surprises me how some of the girls are just kids despite being Warships originally." Cobalt said to Enterprise as they watched Eldridge play. "Sometimes I still find I strange that I'm human, despite being like this for some time now." Enterprise said as she looked down at her hand with a mystified look in her eye.
Eldridge was doing rather well at the game, although Cobalt could have sworn he saw sparks of electricity shooting off her body. Eventually the sparks grew bigger until Eldridge short circuited not only the machine, but knocked out the power in the entire arcade. Cobalt quickly grabbed Eldridge before exiting the arcade with Enterprise. "What was that?" Cobalt asked as they walked down the street. "Eldridge tends to release electricity from her body, unfortunately she doesn't have full control over it." Enterprise explained as he looked at Eldridge, who's strand of hair dropped down sadly.
"I-I'm sorry Commander, are you afraid of me now Commander?" Eldridge asked as Cobalt noticed tears dripping from her eyes. Cobalt quickly picked Eldridge up before pulling her into a hug, despite receiving small shocks from the destroyer girl. "It's okay Eldridge, you didn't mean to knock the power out right?" Cobalt asked the girl as he held her in his arms. Eldridge's strand of hair began to wag back and forth like a dog's tail as she snuggled into Cobalt's chest. "Thank you Commander. I'm happy that you still like me." Eldridge said as she rested her chin on Cobalt's shoulder.
The trio stopped to get ice cream after Eldridge calmed down as they sat on a bench nearby. "Glad to see your finally eating something besides military rations Enterprise." Cobalt said in a teasing tone as Enterprise glared at him. "Last time I checked, you were the one that ordered Belfast to throw out all my rations." Enterprise said as she continued to glare at Cobalt. "I also remember telling you to take care of your body, you didn't listen." Cobalt fires back as he gave Enterprise a glare of his own. "Commander, hug, hug!" Eldridge said as she reached her arms out towards Cobalt with a smile.
                Cobalt carried Eldridge as the Destroyer girl had her arms wrapped around her neck. Eldridge was sleeping as Cobalt and Enterprise made their way back to the car. "Papa." Eldridge mumbled in her sleep as she snuggled into Cobalt's chest. "First the Sakura Destroyers, now Eldridge is calling that!" Cobalt groaned as Enterprise giggles at Cobalt's response. "I think it's sweet that Eldridge and the other girls view as a father. That just shows they like you." Enterprise said as she smiled at Cobalt. "I guess your right, but I still don't know why they want me as a dad." Cobalt said as he blushed in embarrassment at the conversation.
Enterprise smiled as she watched Cobalt and Eldridge sleep together in the back of the car during their ride back to the base. "Commander your special to all of us, I wish I could tell you how I feel. Although would you accept a girl like me?" Enterprise thought to herself as she let her mind wonder as the car continued on it's way towards the base. Cobalt woke up and looked at Enterprise. "You have fun today Enterprise?" Cobalt asked as Enterprise jumped slightly. "I enjoyed myself Commander." Enterprise said as she smiled at Cobalt. For now Enterprise was happy with remaining by Cobalt's side.

So there is another request finished! As of right now Requests are opened once again! Keep in mind you can now make requests with the Northern Parliament girls and Amagi since in the most recent chapter of Naval Tactician has all of them return to Azur Lane! You know the drill at this point, leave your scenarios and girls of choice in the comments of this chapter and I'll reply to you! What misadventures will the girls go on next? Find out in the next chapter of Azur Lane: Port Life!

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